Lovely Legs and All

Hunters, jumpers, spinners, and more

Mike Alexander
The Masterpiece
Published in
5 min readJan 16, 2021


Spider: Lovely Legs and All
Image by 631372 from Pixabay

Many decades ago, for reasons that escape me now, I found myself living in a small caravan on the beautiful East Coast of South Africa. I was not alone in that tiny little van. I shared it with three rather large rain spiders. Rain spiders are large, hairy spiders, given to bursts of speed that would make your average Porsche owner green with envy.

As a nature lover, I must confess that spiders and I have a rather uneasy relationship. Rain spiders are harmless, at least to humans, but that does not stop them awakening in me some deep-rooted primitive fear that probably stems all the way back to my prehistoric ancestors.

Despite my inherent cowardice, the trio with whom I was sharing the caravan and I had established an uneasy détente. They stuck to the roof at the end of the van, and I kept to my half. Other than that, we ignored one another.

A visitor cometh

This cozy little arrangement between environmentalist and arachnid worked quite well until a girlfriend announced she would be flying in for a long weekend. She had silky blond hair and almost criminally long legs. I was a lonely bachelor. No need to go into more detail than that.



Mike Alexander
The Masterpiece

France based freelance writer with a passion for the environment and quirky cultural history.