Mobile Phone Throwing Is Actually an Official Sport In Finland

Finland organizes World Mobile Phone Throwing Championships every year

🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman
The Masterpiece


Image created by the author using Canva

Did you know that every year in August, Finland organizes World Mobile Phone Throwing Championships?

The truth is β€” Mobile Phone Throwing is actually an official sport in Finland. A very interesting one, I must say.

Many of us have thrown our mobile phones on different occasions. Maybe because of bad network during an important call, being angry with our beloved, or just getting tired of scrolling twenty-four seven.

But have you ever thought that this mobile phone throwing might turn into an official sport of any country?

Here is how it began.

A Little History of Mobile Phone Throwing Sport

In 2000, Fennolingua, a translation and interpretation company, organized this exciting sport for the first time in Savonlinna, Finland. But why did they do it? Well, their intention was great. They inspired their employees and others to reduce their frustration by throwing mobile phones.

In case you are wondering β€” no one threw their own mobile phones. Instead, they threw the mobile phones provided to them for this sport. And…



🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman
The Masterpiece

Boost Nominator ✦ Editor of The Environment ✦ I share stories to transform your life