On The Streets Of Calcutta

The heartbreaking story of a former Indian street child.

Parin Waljee
The Masterpiece
3 min readNov 2, 2023


Photo by Nabil Naidu on Unsplash

On the busy streets of India, millions of children struggle to survive every day, forced to face the harsh realities of life One such individual, whose story highlights the resilience of the human spirit, is Ravi, a former Indian street kid. Ravi’s journey from the depths of despair to a better future is a testament to the indomitable power of human will.

Ravi’s life began in the heart of Calcutta, one of India’s great metropolises. Born into extreme poverty, he never knew the warmth of a stable home or the comfort of regular meals. His early years were marked by neglect and abandonment, which led him onto the unforgiving streets of the city as a young man.

On the crowded, congested streets of Calcutta, Ravi faces a fierce fight for survival. Now, he is part of an invisible army of street kids who are learning to fend for themselves at an age when most children are in school. The daily struggle to feed, shelter, and protect themselves is their harsh reality.
Life on the streets is full of dangers for children like Ravi. He faced the constant threat of abuse, exploitation, and malnutrition. Many street children are vulnerable to drug addiction, forced labour, and even human trafficking. These dangers are a stark reminder of the need for urgent intervention to protect these vulnerable lives.

Ravi’s story takes a turn when he meets a local non-governmental organisation (NGO) that specialises in rescuing and reintegrating street children. The organisation provided him with shelter, education, and emotional support. Through their efforts, Ravi discovers that there is hope beyond the darkness that has defined his life.

With the NGO’s guidance and care, Ravi begins his journey to redemption. He immersed himself in his studies, determined to escape the cycle of poverty that had plagued him for so long. As the years passed, he showed remarkable resilience and dedication, gradually regaining his lost childhood.

Ravi’s story is a testament to the hidden potential within every child, even those who start life in the most difficult circumstances. With determination, support, and access to education, he not only escaped the clutches of street life but also went on to pursue higher education and fulfil his dreams.

Ravi’s journey is just one of many, illustrating the dire need for greater efforts to rescue and rehabilitate street children in India and around the world. NGOs and government initiatives play a crucial role in providing hope and a future for these vulnerable children.

Ravi's heartbreaking story, from a life wandering the path of hope and opportunity, is a story of resilience, determination, and the transformative power of compassion. It's a reminder that every child deserves the opportunity to thrive, no matter their starting point in life. Although much work remains to be done to address the problem of street children, Ravi's journey offers hope and inspiration for a better future to all who have experienced the harsh realities of life. street living.



Parin Waljee
The Masterpiece

A certified counsellor and an accomplished Author, I'm looking forward to sharing my wealth of knowledge in diverse areas. I enjoy Golf, Ice skating and Nature.