Reasons Why You Dwell in Failure…. It’s Just Part Of Success

Rudra Sharma
The Masterpiece
Published in
8 min readDec 13, 2022
Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

Before anything, we have to understand that failure is not the end of the game; it’s just a part of the path to success. There is no doubt that failure is not bad, and you should embrace your failures, but the thing you should keep in mind is that you should avoid failures repeating themselves again and again and wasting your time on them. Failure isn’t a roadblock until you make it one.

Many people keep on making the same mistake again and again, and that’s when failure becomes a barrier in their path to success. So we will discuss The reasons why someone fails, again and again.

If you are one of those people who learn from their mistakes and don’t dwell in their mistakes, then you will see that this is not a big deal. A person who learns from his or her mistakes will never put any barriers on their path to success.

“Failure is the first step towards success,” ~Thomas Edison.

Here Are the Reasons Why People Fail Again And Again

Unwilling to take risks

If we talk about risk, two things pop into our minds: risk and gambling. We often use the word “risky” to substitute the word “gambling,” but we should understand the real meaning of the word.

If you want to know about risks, then you should know these three similar words: gambling, risk, and calculated risk.

Gambling occurs when a person does not know anything and is simply betting on it or putting effort into it; in this case, the person is simply assuming or believing in someone else that he or she will receive something in return.

Risk is when the person knows what he or she is getting into and knows that there is a fair possibility that they will lose something.

and calculated risk is when a person takes a risk and knows exactly what they will lose if they lose and what they will gain if they win. The decision of whether they should get into risky investments or not is solely dependent on the gain-to-risk ratio. If the gain is greater than the loss, it is a green light; if the opposite is true, it is a red light.

Lack of persistence

In the modern world, the only thing that is keeping people away from the things they can have or achieve is their lack of focus. There is no problem with their mentality or their attitude; the only thing that is keeping them away is their lack of focus. As I have discussed in many other blogs, attention is the new currency. And it is free, but the multi-billion dollar companies are making you their slaves who will constantly pump money into their pockets through ads. If you know how to train your focus, then congratulations! You are one of the top people in the world. If you want to test your focus, put on a stopwatch when you get to work or study, and then write on a page how you feel about the minutes you have spent working. Keep it as real as possible.

“A man is a hero not because he is braver than anyone else, but because he is brave for 10 minutes longer.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

The modern world has offered you instant food and instant gratification (we’ll discuss this later in the article). This instant has almost killed the person’s persistence and discipline, and people do need things like instant success and instant wins, and the saddest part is that people believe in this stuff. Yes, instant success is not a joke for many people.

Instant gratification

Instant gratification, also called immediate gratification, is the urge to satisfy a craving right away, without considering the long-term effects. Short-term thinking says instant gratification is good, but long-term thinking is not. For example, you feel like eating something sweet, so you have a chocolate, and then, after some time, this feeling pops up again, and you again eat one without thinking about the long-term effects of that.

Instant gratification is all about your greed. The more greed you have, the higher the chances that you will fall for instant gratification.

Lack of Priority

Success doesn’t come from reading the principles; it comes from understanding them and setting priorities.

People have everything perfect in them, but they don’t know what to do and when, and that’s where they fail. There are multiple goals in a person’s life. You have your childhood’s wildest dreams, your mature dreams, and many more, and maybe you have taken some action upon them, but what can you or should you do now and what later? To answer this question, I would love to share Warren Buffet’s two-list method. Here you have to make a list of all the goals and dreams you have to achieve, then you need to select only five goals that you can act upon, and now you are left with the dreams and goals that are important and you need to achieve them in the upcoming year.

Looking for shortcuts

There is no free lunch; you get what you put in there.

Things that appear to be free will always have some hidden or implicit cost to someone, even if it is not the individual receiving the benefit.

The shortcuts that our modern media provides are changing the programming of our brains, causing us to abandon hard work and discipline in favor of shortcuts and “instant” gratification. Let me be raw and honest: if you want to achieve any of the goals on your priority list, the only option you have is hard work and discipline.

Selfishness and greed

“Greed doesn’t have an end.”

Greed doesn’t have an end. It’s a destructive and harmful force that continues to ravage the world. It’s responsible for the poverty and inequality that exists in our societies, the environmental devastation, and the wars that are happening all over the world. Greed is a cancer that must be eradicated before it can spread any further.

Greed can serve a positive purpose in some contexts. One positive is that it’s a form of motivation. Greed inspires people to push for better social and economic outcomes than they have. Altruism is a better force for creating positive change, but it takes time to develop it. On the other hand, greed can do something, but you should learn to control it. Most people lose control, and then greed controls them.

This is the reason why greed is seen as negative and not beneficial for society.

Lack of conviction

There are three types of people:
People who make things happen
People who watch things happen
People who wonder what happened

Something about the sensation of conviction appears to be a constant companion of the human heart. It’s a feeling that makes you want to do what you believe is right, no matter the cost. It’s a feeling that makes you want to fight for what you believe in, no matter who or what is opposing you. It’s a feeling that makes you want to stand up for what you believe in, no matter the consequences. And it’s a feeling that makes you want to be the person you believe you can be.

But as we know, conviction is often lacking. People often lack the conviction to take action and to believe in themselves and their abilities. They often lack the conviction to take risks and to be themselves. They often lack the conviction to be happy. And they often lack the conviction to be content.

So it’s important to remember that conviction is not a one-time event. It’s a lifelong journey. It’s a journey that starts with understanding yourself and your capabilities. It’s a journey that starts with recognizing the moments of doubt and hesitation. It’s a journey that starts with accepting that you may not be perfect, but that you are perfect enough. It’s a journey that starts

Lack of understanding of nature’s law

Nature always hints at us. Sometimes it provides us with an opportunity to take advantage of it. For example, when we see a beautiful tree in the park or a nice breeze blowing through the leaves, We can’t help but take advantage of the opportunity, and we often do so without even thinking about it. We might go for a walk or take a picture without even realizing it. But nature is always hinting at us. And when we don’t take advantage of the opportunity, it can lead to negative consequences.

For example, if we don’t take the time to explore the park or the leaves, we might miss out on some great opportunities. And if we don’t take advantage of the opportunities that nature provides, we might find ourselves in difficult situations. So it’s important to be aware of the opportunities that nature provides and to take advantage of them.

All progress is change, but all change is not progress. In order to be truly satisfied with our lives, we must constantly strive for growth and change. This is why it is so important to understand and live by the principles of change. Change is the key to our happiness and fulfillment, and it is the foundation of our success. When we understand and live by these principles, we will be able to make progress in every area of our lives.

Our thoughts are the origins and causes of everything we have done in our lives.

You saw a thought; you took action. You sow an action, and you reap a habit. You sow a habit, and you reap a personality. You sow a character; you reap a destiny.

Unwilling to plan and prepare

Everyone has the will to win, but not everyone has the will to prepare to win. Most people can think of winning, but not all of them can put their efforts into winning. Every person has to understand the law of nature that “every action has its opposite and equal reaction,” so if you need a reaction, you need to put in your action. Without your action, nothing exists until you put something in from your side.

There is a big difference between failure and success. Failure is when something goes wrong, while success is when something goes well. If we take business, for example, failure is often the result of not doing enough, while success is the result of doing the right thing.

It’s important to understand the difference between these two concepts so that you can better understand why it’s so important to be successful in your endeavors. Failure can be a frustrating experience, as it can be difficult to understand why things didn’t go as planned, but you should keep in mind that failure is the first step to success. On the other hand, success can be a rewarding experience, as it can be easy to see the fruits of your labor in the form of increased profits and more customers.

  • > Planning = goal + planning + principle + practise + perseverance + patience + pride

Over the years, I’ve discovered that one of the most effective ways for leaders to deal with mistakes is to — admit it quickly.

Do not dwell on it. Learn from it. Never repeat it. Nobody is to blame.



Rudra Sharma
The Masterpiece

5k on Twitter | I talk about toughness, self-help, masculinity, and books | top writer