Stop Spoon-Feeding Your Readers

Don’t treat your readers as some dumb-ass morons

🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman
The Masterpiece


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Some writers treat their readers as morons who do not have brains inside their heads.

Yes, I know most online readers are quite distracted people searching for easily-digestible stories. But it does not mean that you have to treat them like babies and spoonfeed them tons of takeaways so that they don’t have to think about your story further.

Sorry to say, I pity those writers and, of course, the readers they entertain.

The encyclopedia of takeaways

Let me tell you this straight. Yesterday, I read an article published in Better Marketing that contains takeaways after each section-ending.

The article has 09 sections(excluding introduction and ending), so the writer included nine sets of takeaways. And the funny thing is — he also added a separate section named ‘Summary of Takeaways’ before the concluding part.

After seeing that, I laughed a lot. It’s like reading an encyclopedia of takeaways.

I mean, seriously, do you need nine sets of takeaways with a takeaway-summary in just one article? Seriously, as a reader, are you so stupid that when you finish reading a story, you don’t know what to take from it?



🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman
The Masterpiece

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