The Fall That Changed My Perspective

Parin Waljee
The Masterpiece
Published in
3 min readFeb 3, 2024
Photo by Zac Frith:

Life is usually a journey full of twists and turns, filled with moments that shape our understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. For me, one of the most profound moments of self-discovery came from an unexpected fall that forever changed my life.
It was a cool autumn afternoon when I decided to hike alone through the rugged terrain of the nearby forest. The vibrant colours of the changing leaves danced in the gentle breeze, and the earthy smell of fallen leaves filled the air. With every step I took, I felt a sense of peace and connection to the natural world around me.
Moving deeper into the forest, I crossed a narrow path that led to a breathtaking view. Eager to capture the beauty of the landscape, I walked the path carefully, my senses alive with anticipation. But in my haste to reach the top, I didn’t pay attention to the rocks scattered along the way.
Suddenly, my foot caught a particularly dangerous rock, and I found myself sliding down the slope, head down. Time seemed to slow down as I hurtled through the air, my heart pounding with fear and adrenaline. And then, with a terrifying thud, I landed hard on the unforgiving ground below.
I stood there for a moment, dazed and disoriented, with pain burning through my body. But as I gradually came to my senses, I realised that something deep inside me had changed. In this brief but powerful moment of collision, I was forced to face my own mortality and the fragility of life itself. As I lay on the forest floor, nursing my bruises and contemplating the events that had led me to this point, a feeling of clarity came over me. In the midst of my pain and uncertainty, I suddenly knew with absolute certainty what I was supposed to do with my life.
You see, up until that point, I had been drifting aimlessly through life, looking for meaning and purpose in the wrong places. I sought success and material possessions, thinking they would bring me happiness and fulfillment.But in this time of crisis, I realised that true meaning cannot be found in external achievements or possessions. Instead, it is found in the simple act of living authentically and with purpose. It’s about embracing my passions and talents and using them to make a positive impact on the world around me. It’s about cherishing moments of joy and connection and finding beauty amid adversity.

In the weeks and months that followed, I began a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, fueled by the new clarity that emerged from my fall. I pursued my passions with renewed vigor, putting my heart and soul into every endeavor.And with each step forward, I felt a deep connection to my true purpose on earth.

Today, as I reflect on that fateful fall and the lessons it taught me, I am filled with gratitude for the challenges that have made me who I am today. Because it’s often in our darkest moments that we discover our true strength and resilience. And it is through adversity that we discover the purpose that has always been waiting for us, hidden in plain sight.



Parin Waljee
The Masterpiece

A certified counsellor and an accomplished Author, I'm looking forward to sharing my wealth of knowledge in diverse areas. I enjoy Golf, Ice skating and Nature.