The Magic of Live Music

Why we’re craving the return of live concerts

Jennifer MacDonald
The Masterpiece


KISS puts on a show like no one else could. (Photo by author)

“Why is everyone so craving for live concerts to return? What is the appeal?”

When someone asked the above question on an online platform, I immediately started making a mental list of all the reasons as I am an avid concert-goer.

Who could have ever imagined a year without live music?

Unfortunately, the pandemic has forced us to adjust how we experience things for the moment — no concerts, no live theatre, no movies — and it has shocked us to the core. We’ve started putting things on hold for the greater good.

So what’s the big deal? Why are we missing live music so much right now?

Here are some of the reasons why I consider attending live concerts so special to experience.

The Atmosphere

Watching a live-stream concert online is fun, but it’s not remotely the same atmosphere you experience when you attend a show in person.

The lights, the pyrotechnics, the large video screens, the confetti — none of these things can be experienced at home.

There is also unique energy in the environment that can’t be captured or recreated online. It stems



Jennifer MacDonald
The Masterpiece

I’m a dreamer who lives with Scoliosis and late-diagnosed AuDHD. I’m an avid reader and a total nerd at heart. I like to share my thoughts on things.