The Moment We Recognise We Deserve Better Is the Moment Our Lives Become Better

Aiden Riley
The Masterpiece
Published in
7 min readMar 22, 2023


Photo by Miguel Orós on Unsplash

Let’s admit it, people are vulnerable.

We’re vulnerable in numerous ways. The world can be dangerous: not simply to our physical health, but to our mental health too. Life, well, is a big deal. Our spirits can die within moments of darkness — It is exhausting.

It tugs at our heartstrings and can leave us crying for a way out.

Some of us go to extra lengths to find an exit.

However, during these ordeals, two choices appear: Acknowledge our potential or ignore it. The post-observation of the event is due to our inner strength. If we continue to be vulnerable to the world and perpetuate ignorance of our potential, we will simply continue down torrid paths.

We will spiral down, not out.

However, life tends to be filled with chances. Nonetheless, it is difficult to see them when we’re blind by our own tragedies. It is only when we fight to recognise those chances we grow tough armour.

Thus, reaching self-actualising and the confidence to beat away the world’s dangers.

The singular direction to take is to notice those perils, grab them, squeeze them and say “you will not break me.” That is what the dark half of the world wants.



Aiden Riley
The Masterpiece

I deliver my opinions on society, culture, psychology, philosophy, mental health and more. I also write poetry.