Writing Myths That Held Me Back for Years

Xzavier Downes
The Masterpiece
Published in
4 min readJul 16, 2023


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

In the dynamic panorama of human experience, writing holds a distinctive place as a form of self-expression, storytelling, and understanding the world around us. But like every creative endeavor, it also has its myths — misconceptions that can veil the true nature of writing and lead aspiring writers astray.

For many years, I too was ensnared by these myths. They held an unnerving sway over my creative journey, influencing my choices and shaping my understanding of what it means to be a writer. These phantoms of falsehoods loomed ominously over my creative process, suppressing my voice and limiting my growth. But the journey is as much about the destination as it is about the obstacles we overcome to get there.

Today, as a writer who has managed to unshackle from these specters, I wish to share my experiences, shed light on these myths, and hopefully help others still grappling with them.

You Need to Be a Born Writer

The legend of the ‘born writer’ is perhaps one of the most pervasive myths in the writing community. I, too, was ensnared by this notion. Each time I faltered in my writing, I interpreted it as proof of my lack of this divine endowment. I spent countless nights wondering if I was missing the ‘writing gene’ and whether I was intruding into a sacred realm reserved for the chosen ones.

But as I persevered in my journey, I began to comprehend that writing is less a divine gift and more a craft that is honed over time. Much like a potter molds clay into beautiful shapes, a writer sculpts words into meaningful narratives through constant practice, learning, and revision. Talent may offer a head start, but it’s dedication, perseverance, and hard work that truly shape a writer.

Successful Writers Write Every Day

The idea that a writer must write every day to succeed is another potent myth that dictated my early writing years. It transformed writing into a relentless ritual, a taxing obligation that allowed no room for breaks or lapses.

But life isn’t a neatly organized script; it’s a dynamic, often chaotic, drama. There were days when my mind was too cluttered, my energy too depleted, or when life simply demanded my attention elsewhere. Writing every day was not only unfeasible but also mentally draining.

Over time, I understood that consistency doesn’t necessarily translate into a rigid daily routine. Writing regularly is crucial, but it doesn’t have to be a daily grind. It’s about developing a writing rhythm that respects your creative energy, mental health, and the other facets of your life.

Good Writing is Always About Big Ideas

When I began my writing journey, I was under the illusion that impactful writing must revolve around grand, groundbreaking ideas. I frequently dismissed my thoughts because they seemed too mundane, too ordinary against the backdrop of the grand themes commonly explored in celebrated literature.

One day, while reading a beautifully written piece on the humble comfort of a home-cooked meal, I had an epiphany. Extraordinary writing isn’t always about extraordinary themes. Sometimes, it’s about uncovering the extraordinary within the mundane. It’s about infusing everyday experiences with a unique perspective that resonates with the reader. It was a liberating revelation that unchained my creativity and broadened my writing spectrum.

Writing Must Always Be Perfect

Perfection is a perilous pitfall that many writers, including myself, have grappled with. For years, the quest for perfect prose paralyzed my creativity. I critiqued every sentence I penned, chastised myself over every awkward phrase, and scrutinized every word choice. This obsession with perfection transformed writing from a joyful journey into a tormenting task.

With time and experience, I realized that writing, like any other creative process, is a journey that thrives on evolution, not perfection. The first draft is a skeleton, an initial shape of your thoughts. It’s the raw material from which a polished piece is crafted through subsequent revisions and refinements. Embracing this truth released me from the shackles of perfection and rekindled my love for writing.

Exorcising the Writing Myths

The journey to unmask these myths was a trek through uncharted terrains of self-discovery, a pilgrimage towards the true essence of writing. It involved questioning age-old beliefs, challenging societal narratives, and unlearning ingrained misconceptions. Through this journey, I not only evolved as a writer but also discovered fundamental truths about creativity and self-expression.

In debunking these myths, my intention is not just to illuminate the misguiding beliefs that cloud our perception of writing but also to instill a sense of self-belief and courage in those embarking on their writing journey. My experiences are proof that you don’t need a bestseller to your name or a prestigious writing degree to speak about writing. As someone who lived and overcame these myths, my perspective is as authentic as it is insightful.

Remember, your writing journey is unique, an unfolding story scripted by you. Don’t let myths dictate the narrative. Navigate your journey with confidence, make your own rules, and remember — it’s not just about reaching the end; it’s also about the insights, experiences, and transformations along the way. So here’s to you, the writer, may your story be as memorable as it is enriching, and may you find the strength to overcome the myths that hold you back.



Xzavier Downes
The Masterpiece

Hey there! I'm just a word lover, living life and trying to make sense of it all.