You’re Codependent When You’re Addicted To Feeling Important

The difference between helping out of compassion versus doing it just for kicks

Esther George
The Masterpiece


A blond haired girl in conversation with a boy
Photo by Katerina Holmes from Pexels

I have heard many times that the foundation of happiness is in helping others. I’m sure there are more quotes on this subject than I care to remember. Good deeds needn’t take much time or cost any money. But what happens when someone goes too far? What happens if instead of genuine service to others, it’s a response to the addiction for attention?

I’m all for lending a hand. Helping others makes me feel like a million bucks, almost like I can take on the world because it boosts my self-esteem. It makes me feel great about myself. Being selfless and caring for others is a noble act. There is however a darker side.

I overheard a conversation on my commute this morning. The man was spewing his BS into the world. He was whining about how much those around him were looking to him to save their world, that he literally had no time to rule his own.

That made me furrow my brow quizzically. Something important is obviously missing. This guy is whining about how much he sacrifices for others, and he’s blaming them for ruining his life. He went down the path about how weary he was because everyone expected him to shoulder their problems. But he…



Esther George
The Masterpiece

Writer • Dreamer • Storyteller • She writes about discovering and living your best life now because life is truly what you make it.