Senior Memoir: Katherine Smith

The Master’s University
University News
Published in
4 min readMay 2, 2018

“Welcome to WOW Week!”

I could hardly believe my ears. At last it was here! I was finally at the school I had heard about from my mom and had hoped to attend one day. During the welcome week, people asked, “Where are you from?” over and over again. Most students would answer quickly and simply, but my answer was much longer. “I was born in Manila, Philippines, where my parents were missionaries, but I grew up in the Czech Republic. I’ve been living in the U.S. for the last nine years.”

Growing up in central Europe shaped my worldview in so many wonderful ways. I understand that God’s kingdom work is global, that His Word has power to save in every nation and is not limited by linguistic or cultural barriers.

I saw people’s lives dramatically change when they came to Christ, and a new church was born in the heart of an atheistic stronghold. It was in the Czech Republic that I embraced Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. By His grace I have walked with Him ever since.

When I made my decision to follow Christ, I understood God’s great sacrifice of sending His one and only Son to come die for me, a sinner lost without God. My heavenly Father chose me to be His instrument in spreading God’s Word in our world today. I can do nothing to save myself from eternal damnation and hell, but because of God’s grace and mercy I have fully surrendered my life to Christ.

I am constantly overwhelmed by God’s continual hand in my life.

Whether there are blessings or trials, I know everything that happens in my life is all for God’s eternal glory. I can do nothing without Christ. My life belongs to Him, and this means fleeing all worldliness and Satan’s temptations and following hard after Christ. Becoming a child of God does not mean everything will suddenly be wonderful, but Christ tells us in His Word that Christians who have trials should rejoice in them. God’s Word is the authority by which I live my life!

I strive to constantly grow closer to Christ. Seeing such hatred of God and blatant godlessness in Europe has actually been helpful in making my faith more sure. Because of this, my personal relationship with Christ has been strengthened. In the U.S. I have seen the extreme need to battle sin in every circumstance. It’s my joy to grow in my love for Christ by spending time in prayer and His Word.

Now as I prepare to graduate, I feel so incredibly thankful to have attended this Christ-centered school. It was at Master’s that I saw practical ministry modeled, ways I could care for fellow believers in everyday life.

One day an upperclassman asked, “How are you doing?” After I responded with a polite and predictable, “Well, thank you,” she followed up with, “How are you reallydoing?” This took me aback. It never would have happened in the Czech Republic. It was at that moment that I desired to pursue others in this same way! The Christ-like purposefulness and sincerity that she showed resonated with me. The Lord provided the wonderful opportunity to do this in a formal manner my junior and senior year. Being able to serve other young women as a Resident Assistant has been one of the greatest blessings of my life. I learned how to lighten the burdens of others and how to encourage them to pursue God’s will with joy. It’s just like 2 Corinthians 12:15 says: “I will most gladly spend and be expended for your souls.”

Just recently I was asked what my favorite class at Master’s has been. After thinking hard about it, all I could say was, “Yes.” It is true that each class at The Master’s University has been tremendously impactful.

The intentionality that each professor showed me was humbling. Now as I am about to graduate, I am prepared for my future that I have entrusted to the Lord. By God’s grace I hope to teach English as a second language in Europe as a means to share the Lord with others. I thank the Lord for the tools I have been given at TMU to equip me for this task.

I am passionate about being able to traverse the most challenging aspects of life as an ambassador of Christ overseas. As our world gets darker and darker, I am humbled to be able to shine Christ wherever the Lord might choose to take me.

Holding onto Christ and Scripture in a world of confusion, chaos, and instability is something for which The Master’s University has helped prepare me. I count it a privilege to have been able to be educated here. As my college days come to a close, I give thanks to the Lord for His grace in my being able to attend a university that has Christ at the center. “Thank you, Lord.”

Watch Katherine and the Class of 2018 graduate on May 4th, 2018 by going to our Facebook page and clicking the livestream link provided. To learn more about The Master’s University head to our homepage and find out why we are ranked №1 “Right Choice” University by The Wall Street Journal.

