Welcome to TMU!

The Master’s University
University News
Published in
3 min readAug 28, 2017

The first day of orientation week at colleges and universities across the nation means one thing: goodbye.

But for alumni David and Keri van Wingerdan, helping their second child move into Hotchkiss Hall at The Master’s University felt like coming home.
“We have a lot of people back home asking, ‘Why are you sending your child across the country?’ and ‘What is so special?’” said David, who is from Ohio. “And then you get here and remember how incredibly special this place is.”

Exactly two years ago, they dropped off their eldest son for Week of Welcome, and David recalled, “There was such a peace about him being here. God has put people here who are solid and true to His Word while loving and kind to the kids.” He felt that same peace and excitement today.
The Crottses, another alumni couple from Alaska, were dropping off their daughter Riley and found “the legacy of what (they) experienced here 20 years ago has carried on. You can feel it just walking onto campus,” Mrs. Crotts said.

Their daughter felt that, too.

“When I went to View Weekend, it was the coolest thing ever and everyone was so nice,” Riley explained. “I love how strong the Christians are here, and I knew I had to apply. This place is absolutely gorgeous and everything I would ever want, and I know it will shape me into who I want to be.”

Hodges Bailey and his parents drove from Seattle to Los Angeles, a 17-hour trip, to make it to WOW Monday. Bailey will be playing on the men’s basketball team under Coach Kelvin Starr this fall.

“We knew Master’s has a great reputation and we, as his parents, are excited to see the relationships he makes and just how God stretches and teaches him through his college years, both academically and athletically,” his father said. “He is excited about both and we are, too.”

This confidence in TMU’s consistency and influence is not uncommon and has translated from an older generation of graduates to the newest generation of students.

“I just loved the people and the campus. I knew I wanted to go here on my first visit,” said incoming student and Pennsylvania native Alicia Thompson.
“WOW week made me realize how special this place is because I found out how much these people love Jesus and love having fun,” said Stephanie Simmons (’17) as she dropped off her sister. “I am excited for the amazing people God will put in her life. I love the relationships I have walked away with, and I know she will have the same experience.”

The Master’s University is unlike any other university in the nation because of this one quality — consistency. In 90 years, though the location and buildings have changed, though students and teachers have cycled through, the foundation of TMU has remained the same: Christ and His inerrant Word.

Everything is an outpouring of that. True academia and knowledge can only be accomplished through an accurate understanding of the truth of God. It is why when so many people visit and research other schools including Master’s, they come back just like the Van Wingerdan’s son and say “Master’s is the only place.”

The Master’s University is a private Christian Liberal Arts university north of Los Angeles, CA. For more info, visit masters.edu.

