100 Things You Can Control

A list of over one hundred things you can control

Donnie Van Meer
The Mastery Proposition
4 min readDec 4, 2023


Unsplash+ In collaboration with Fellipe Ditadi

“Do not waste time on what you cannot control.”

-Marcus Aurelius

Here is a list of over one hundred things you can control

It’s empowering to think of things you have control over. It’s a waste of time and mental energy to think about what we can’t control. Run through the list and see if you can add a few more. I bet you can.

1.The effort you make
2. How you talk to yourself
3. Making yourself to do something you don’t feel like doing
4. How much you get done today
5. What boundaries you set
6. Your habits
7. F​eeling your emotions but not allowing them to control you
8. Whether you reach out to someone
9. Who you push away
12. When you decide to move on
13. How you spend your time
14. If you tell the truth
15. If you prepare
16. When you go to bed
17. When you wake up
18. What you eat
19. How you talk about yourself in front of others
20. Your posture
21. How you breath
22. How you move
23. What you prioritize
24. What you read
25. What you watch
26. What music you listen to
27. Who you want to be
28. What you decide
29. If you admit you were wrong
30. How you see yourself
31. Whether you try new things
32. When you leave
33. If you stay the night
34. Thoughts you hang on to
35. What you say
36. What you buy
37. What you wear
38. Your hair style
39. How you express yourself
40. If you shower or bathe
41. If you wear deodorant
42. If you brush your teeth
43. What you focus on
44. Whether you live up to your values
45. Your perspective
46. Your attitude
47. How hard you try to impress others
48. Keeping promises you make to others
49. Keeping promises you make to yourself
50. What actions you take
51. What actions you don’t take
52. How hard you work
53. When you rest
54. When you push yourself really hard
55. How you respond to people
56. How you react to circumstances
57. Your smile
58. If you say “Hello”
59. If you look the other way
60. How often you do what you say your going to do
61. How negative or positive you are
62. Who you believe
63. What you believe
64. Whether you drink alcohol
65. Whether you light up that joint
66. Whether you exercise or not
67. How much you care what other people think of you
68. When you get outside for sunlight and fresh air
69. How tidy and organized you are
70. What you learn from your mistakes and failure
71. When you stop
72. How much time you spend on social media
73. If you watch porn
74. If you let yourself get distracted
75. How much time you spend with your friends
76. How much time you spend with your family
77. If you put yourself down
78. If you gossip or spread rumors
79. How you talk about people behind their back
80. How grateful you are
81. What you do when you are frustrated
82. Who you hug
83. Who you call
84. Who you visit
85. If you are honest with others
86. If you are honest with yourself
87. How much you respect yourself
88. How you love others
89. How often you check your phone
90. How much time you spend thinking about your values
91. When you say “no”
92. When you say “yes”
93. Who you listen to for advice
94. How mindful you are
95. Whether you take a chance
96. How long you take to decide
97. Whether you are going to pursue your dreams
98. When you give up
99. How often you pray
100. What you do with your regrets
101. How kind you are to others
102. How kind you are to yourself
103. How assertive you are
104. Whether you forgive others
105. Whether you forgive yourself
106. What you do with your anger
107. How you deal with your anxiety
108. Whether you accept yourself
109. How patient you are
110. Who you trust
111. Whether you make eye contact
112. If you go to the doctor
113. How you calm yourself down
114. How you schedule your free time
115. If you let go
116. When you start
117. how much you worry
118. how much you argue
119. Your next step

