About me

And my mission to get to the heart of porn addiction.

James M. Costa
The Math Folder
4 min readSep 20, 2020


My name is James and I’m a recovering porn addict 👋

For over fifteen years, I inadvertently used porn as a coping mechanism, spiraling into longer and longer binges that hurt my mental and physical health and completely ruined my sex life.

Today, I’m a happy man in an amazing long-term relationship, enjoying a perfectly healthy sex life, and free of porn since 2021 💪

If I had to name one thing that was key to my recovery — what made the difference between my present success and my past failed attempts to quit porn — that would be this: insight.

Reflecting on what porn meant to me and learning about my addiction is what helped me identify what it is that really triggers me into watching it, and it’s what armed me with the weapons necessary to fight my urges more effectively.

As I made progress in my own recovery, I saw how much this insight could help others as well, and that’s the reason why I started The Math Folder 😊

What’s The Math Folder?

The Math Folder is an illustrated monthly newsletter on porn addiction. Every story in The Math Folder explores a different aspect of my issues with porn, inviting you to reflect on yours and extract lessons that you can apply to improve your own situation.

Think of my stories as opportunities to work on yourself. To understand yourself better. They’re not the solution to your problems: they’re a reminder that the solution lies within you, and a helping hand to get you there.

The Math Folder now contains 40+ stories, all of them available to everybody and for free here on Medium. You’re more than welcome to check them out!

That’s cool! Now, what’s next?

The best way to benefit from The Math Folder is to join the free newsletter. You’ll receive a new story on the first Monday of every month. That’s all. No spam, no paid subscriptions. Join us!

Where else can I find you?

You’ll find me on different social media platforms, where I like to share my stories, help others with advice, and raise awareness about the dangers of porn addiction.

Here are the links to all my profiles:

You can also contact me by email at themathfolder@gmail.com.

I love what you’re doing! How can I support you?

Thank you! First of all, I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment, send me a message, or engage in social media 💬👍

If you’d like to show some extra support, consider helping me with a donation! ❤️

Every contribution, no matter how small, shows your appreciation for the work that I do and helps The Math Folder on its mission: to bring awareness about porn addiction and offer insight and support to those suffering from it.

Thank you so much for your support!

And one last thing… why the heck is it called The Math Folder?

I get asked this question a lot, and I get that it might not be the best name for a porn addiction recovery newsletter, but there’s a story behind it!

Back when I was addicted to porn, Math was the name of the folder in my computer where I would keep all the porn videos that I downloaded, as a way to hide them from everybody else in my family that I had to share the computer with.

To me, The Math Folder symbolizes the secrecy behind my problems with porn. Naming the newsletter after it is my way to finally open that folder and let all those secrets out so that I can finally heal.



James M. Costa
The Math Folder

Writer and illustrator. Recovering porn addict. Editor of The Math Folder.