Hack19: Flutter Hackathon — Hacker Bootcamp Hub Winners — Chat On

Nithin Betegeri
The MavenHive Blog
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2019
Hack19 — International Flutter Hackathon 2019 at Mavenhive, Bangalore

We had a fun day hosting the international flutter hackathon at our office at Mavenhive last Saturday. We had 5 teams attend the event to experience Flutter framework development with other like minded hackers. It was a fun filled day with lots of Pizzas, some biriyanis and Samosas to go along with lot of Flutter widgets.

The theme for the day was border.none() as announced by the Flutter Community. Each team’s goal was to develop an application that breaks down barriers and helps improve the flutter community globally.

The two member team, Flutter Birds hacked their way to develop a mentor app where one could find a Flutter mentor while the Flutter News team developed a news application for Flutter related news. On the other side of the room, we had the Hypereo team develop a Flutter application for SMBs and the Thenga guys developed a Flutter talent finder application.

But the winner for the day was the Chat On team.They built a chat app in

Flutter Birds presentation at Hack19 Flutter Hackathon at Mavenhive

Flutter that provided built-in language translation to break down barriers. With this app, a spanish or a Tamil guy could chat with a French girl while the app handles the translations within the context. They used Flutter NLP, and Firebase to achieve their goals.

All in all, it was a beautiful day to hack something new and have fun. From Mavenhive, we’d like to congratulate Pavan, Sahas, Rajesh and Vibhav of the winning team, Chat On. Their idea and execution were spot on with the goal of the Hack19. We hope that they’d go on to win the global voting scheduled for next week.



Nithin Betegeri
The MavenHive Blog

A pirate, movie addict in the left corner of the first floor of a big building! Loves to solve problems. End up creating a few!