Hello World!

Anandha Krishnan
The MavenHive Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 28, 2014
Mavenhive Collage

Hello there! Its been about 2.5 years since MavenHive started. I think its about time we started imposing our opinions on the world. After all, how can anyone be considered a serious player unless they have a fancy content calender and make one post per week with a fancy creative and what not!

Seriously though, I think we have come a long way since the day we started MavenHive. We are doing some amazing technical work and more importantly everyone is excited and happy with the way things are being run. While technology is still what we love, I think we are currently more excited about sharing what we have done around running our business.

I hope reading about these ideas will be just as interesting to you as it was for us to come up with. Watch out this space, meanwhile to get you started a little bit about MavenHive in this interview with the founder.

Mavenhive Team

Originally published at www.mavenhive.in on October 28, 2014.



Anandha Krishnan
The MavenHive Blog

Technology entrepreneur, Web technologies developer, Travel enthusiast, Gadget lover in Bangalore.tweet about tech, politics and events. Cofounder @Mavenhive