MavenHive — The Year in Review

Anuj Mathur
The MavenHive Blog
Published in
5 min readFeb 5, 2016

Our sneaky planet has completed another one of its revolutions around the sun. And what a year it was for MavenHive - we crossed major milestones, learned more lessons about running a sustainable startup, and most importantly, had an absolute blast through it all. Without further ado, we give you(drumroll) — MavenHive, The Year in Review:

We found we could bill for ‘non-billable’ work: We figured that it made sense to treat functions like marketing, recruitment, sales, etc. as internal company projects. This means that any time folks spend on these activities can be billed to the company and they get compensated for it exactly like they would on billable client projects.

We hired our first walk-in candidate: A very enterprising Chetan walked into our office one day and the rest, as they say, is history.

We moved into a new home: After sharing a space with the awesome JusPay folks for a year, we moved into our own place in 2015. It’s a spacious and charming place in Koramangala that truly feels like home…uh…work — please do drop in for a cuppa(like Chetan above)!

We indoctrinated six more people into The MavenHive Way: And we took this opportunity to create a complicated new induction process that involves treasure-hunting for your new Macbook.

If you’d like to join the gang, drop us a line at and let us know why you’re thinking of taking the plunge!

The MavenHive Way

First international consulting trip: We travelled to Grasshopper’s US office to participate in a workshop for planning a complex re-architecture of their entire system.

MavenHive at GrassHopper’s Needham office

We spoke at a lot of conferences: We shared our learnings from RoR production issues, talked about the evolution of JS, discussed common pitfalls of ActiveRecord callbacks, among other things.

We hosted a lot of meetups: We firmly believe in giving back to the developer community in any way we can — if you‘d like us to host a meetup at our premises, please feel free to drop us a mail at and we will try to make it happen!

We started learning new things on Thursdays: So far we’ve talked about:

  • OAuth 2.0 internals
  • E2E Testing
  • Introduction to Clojure
  • 3D printing
  • Introduction to React

…and have many more on the way.

If you’re interested in joining any of our sessions, feel free to drop us a note at and we’ll be happy to find a seat for you :) We’ve also started streaming them live for those who cannot make it — we post a link with the details on our Twitter page every Thursday.

Agile training: We ran our first agile training gig. Then did another. And yet another. If you’d like us to help train your development team, please drop us a mail at and we’ll unleash training veterans like Jake — we promise not to do any permanent damage!

We went for lots of trips: We played mafia around a bonfire, trekked around the hills of Savandurga, clocked in hours of Taboo, laser-tagged, target-practiced, and a lot more.

We not-so-frugally innovated: We created our very own TT table out of expensive office furniture!

We got our first Xbox: W00t! Game nights! Kinect wars!

We put our first Xbox on sale: Because people prefer playing not-so-frugal TT instead and it currently lies gathering dust in a cupboard :O

We got our logo printed: In 3D, by our very own in-house 3D printing expert:

We moved to Medium: We moved our blog from a self-hosted, Jekyll backed website to a medium publication(but you already know that). So far, we love Medium’s editing and collaboration capabilities and that its design puts the spotlight on the most important thing — the content.

And lastly…we survived to consult another year!



Anuj Mathur
The MavenHive Blog

Blogger, eater, reader, programmer and self-proclaimed funnyman