Go with the flow

Mitali Jain
The Mavericks
Published in
4 min readMar 9, 2020

Go with the flow- yes, yes, I’m aware of how much of a cliche this is. But aren’t cliches, cliches because they make so much sense? Aren’t cliches foolproof because you can never go wrong with something so old and so true? Aren’t cliches the secret recipe for success? Before you think I’m overstating, let me get to the backstory of why I started with this classic cliche!

When it comes to big decisions, I’ve always had touble taking the plunge. While people around me were clear about what they want in life, I knew the exact opposite: What I DID NOT want in life! So right after school, I let myself go with the flow. And inevitably, like every Indian kid from a commerce background, I was told to try becoming a Chartered Accountant. So, I prepared for the first level of CA exams. Unfortunately, I did clear it. This made my family really proud but me, sad. After one level of this, I could tell that this wasn’t my cup of tea. But I continued pushing myself to write the second level of these exams. And I thank my dear lords that I did not clear this. Leaving all the family drama to your imagination and skipping to the climax, I decided to bid goodbye to CA. My parents were reasonable and asked me what I wanted to do instead. Ah, that fearful question again! What Do You want to do? I had no idea, I just knew I didn’t want to do this. There are too many options out there to slowly select by the process of elimination. And again, I just went with the flow.

I like to read, write, converse and explore. So, I thought I would give Journalism a shot, because why not? College admissions were closed but I did my fair bit of running around to secure a seat and start out. Luckily, I happened to like where I was at. As time progressed, I was inclined towards a master’s in a similar but slightly different field. And that’s when Public Relations came into my life. I did my masters in Public Relations. I was reading, writing, conversing and exploring. All the things I liked doing. At last, going with the flow really paid off and here I was doing something that genuinely made me happy!

Later when I started my first stint with one of the biggest PR agencies, I realized that I loved the job and everything that came with it. I turned my hobbies into my career and gosh, it felt like the best of both worlds. I learnt everything a PR professional was supposed to. With great mentorship, I grew stronger, professionally and personally. But there was something missing, I knew I could do something more!

As all good things come to an end, my first job did too. I took a break, took some bold decisions in my personal life and decided to look out when I was ready. And when I was ready, The Mavericks happened to me.

You know those “work is horrible” memes on Instagram? Or the sad hates-his-job protagonist in Hollywood movies? I could NEVER EVER relate to them. Because all the going-with-the-flow decisions have led me to a job I love. And at The Mavericks, I found freedom. To be me, to do good work, to grow without limits. My ideas are heard, executed and brought to life. And my team, I feel like I fit in here so seamlessly. It’s always a great source of motivation when I see people working on something because they want to and not because they have to. Moreover, being at a start-up gives you the privilege to be a part of everything from scratch and puts your imagination to the best use. You own your work here, you take charge! Working here has made me more confident and encouraged me to keep exploring.

Considering my current state of contentment, I’d like to say change is to be expected. Change is good. Change is often even great. You never know where you will end up. I wouldn’t say it’s right to “not know what you want”, but it’s important to move out of things you know you don’t want. As they say- If you don’t like where you are, move! you are not a tree. All you need to do is believe and work towards your goal while you just flow with the plan.

In the end, happiness is all that matters, and I am just grateful that the universe led me here! Also, I clearly lucked out with some good guardian angels.

