Shilpi Jaiswal
The Mavericks
Published in
4 min readMay 26, 2020


Musings for Work From Home Moms during Quarantine

With the ongoing lockdown, mothers around the world find themselves in a unique and challenging environment. And if you are also a mum working remotely, how you wish you could remote control every family member especially the kids.! To give some context, this is my FIFTH attempt at writing this introduction in the past three days, with timely interventions by the one and a half-year-old daughter; some realistic (like nature’s call), some fictional (like her favourite unicorn…oh yes that billion too is on the offing for me!). However, what the womb carries, the womb must endure, and so just like me you too will sail on this pandemic ocean with new tides of change. So, as we juggle our mom and home responsibilities along with our work life, let’s try and weave some magic through practice to conquer life in the times of this crisis.

With May being celebrated as Mothers’ Day all over the world, I thought I’d put together a little something that could be useful for us mother’s! Here goes..

M — Maintaining a balance- Repeat after me-you are now a 24/7 mom-nanny-wife-cleaner-cook-professional. There is no easy way out but to ultimately accept that all these multiple roles are now a core part of your personality. If there is one middle path- it is to maintain symmetry between the homemaker and the working professional that you are. Don’t try to be perfectionist, just do what you can! Do your best and forget the rest.. Right now, there’s no room for judgement.

O — Operating strategically- Your most efficient hours are when your toddler is taking a nap. Do high concentration reports, assessments , balance sheets when the little one is in his/her dreamland. If conference calls fall between meal times, please keep the MUTE button ON to avoid cherubish laughter or wails from the little one.

T — Tick Tock — No, I am not talking of the global sensation app that has been a blockbuster in quarantine. Tick tock here means time management! One is only as good as one’s schedule. To be ahead of the game, you have to rise earlier, ahead of the children at least by an hour. Use that time to plan your work day, get the breakfast ready, finish sundry work and have a fresh start with your favourite brew. Work that has strict deadlines should be high up on your TO- DO list followed by lighter reading /research while you are keeping an eye on the kids.

H — Helping Hand- — The modus operandi of staying sane in this lock down is taking help. While Grandparents, husbands, partners can be delegated duties while you finish that important video call, you can always request your bosses and managers to be open to flexible hours. My day typically begins at 3pm when the baby is napping after lunch, so have a conversation with your colleagues about how certain hours of the day may work better for you.

E — Engagement- Please unwrap all the gifts that you planned to pass on to other children for their birthdays and share those new toys, books and games with your kids.. The more entertained they are, the more time you get to yourself to attend to your tasks. Indulge them in activities that encourage self-play like colouring books, jigsaw puzzles or even films that will keep them busy for a few fixed hours, and use this time to complete important work commitments or home duties (or just give yourself a break, and grab a coffee!)

R — Rejuvenate- According to ‘Rebooting 2020: A Story of Covid-19, and Shifting Perceptions survey by reputation management advisory,The Mavericks India’, 61% Indians are experiencing mental health related issues due to the lockdown, uncertainty, and looming financial crisis. Your family’s well being is directly proportional to yours. Moreover, your mental and physical health shape the way you will be bringing up your children. Hence , it is of utmost importance that you indulge in self care both for the mind and the body. So, ladies, put that banana-curd face mask, enjoy a relaxing head massage, follow a home pedicure process to soothe those aching feet, read your favorite poem, listen to that Western classical to calm those nerves and remember to re-energise to rise and quaran-shine the way only a MOTHER can!

