No one is you and that’s your power.

The Mavericks
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2022

Life is all about opportunities and challenges. The thrill of learning new things, the desire to finish your to-dos before time, and the joy of accomplishing goals are some of the indicators that help us define a thriving and quality life. This leads us to an important set of questions — how do you achieve all that? How do you stay content while ensuring that you are not stuck at a stagnant stage? How do you find the right balance of peace, curiosity, and motivation through it all?

We, humans, are cynical beings. At every promotion, we don’t miss a chance to celebrate and party but at every drawback, we send ourselves to a downward spiral. It’s important that we don’t lose ourselves. It’s important we remember that success doesn’t come to people who do great things; success comes to people who value consistency, perseverance and do their due diligence.

Your life is all about how you make it. It’s about finding yourself, creating yourself and so much more. It revolves around not only the big, gigantic accomplishments but also includes your behind-the-scenes efforts, struggles and your not-so-happy moments. It includes your internal battles, your worries (yes, however preposterous), your fears, and all the other things that make you stronger. This journey of life is what makes you ‘you’.

I’ve always been that calculative, cautious person who analyses her next two steps before moving an inch when it comes to making choices and forming decisions. But all of this changed when I entered my college years. From being totally clueless and a little lost to learning, growing and thriving in different roles — the entire experience helped me witness the importance of “taking that one big leap of faith.” Don’t get me wrong, trust alone will not get you anywhere. But trust with the right amount of actions and proactive attitude will make all the difference it needs and help you get to where you envision your future self to be. For trust within yourself equates confidence and self-reliance.

Now to get back to our previous question: Can one achieve constant growth alongside happiness? Yes. Yes. And yes. It’s time we realize that happiness and peace is about the discovery, the hope, the passion, and listening to your heart whenever it goes. It’s about embracing yourself and being comfortable in your skin. In my experience, in order to stay content, you just need to make 2 people in your life proud. It’s not your parents. It’s not even your partner or kids. It’s your 8-year-old version of yourself. And your 80-year-old version of yourself. As long as you achieve this, you’ll realize that you did everything right and lived your life instead of merely surviving like others.

The Mavericks has cultivated such a conducive, facilitative climate for me that I’m always excited to contribute more and hustle harder in life. Apart from having amazing brands under their care, the inclusive culture helps one reach their highest potential. Achieving tasks and working with such great and innovative minds has truly been an enriching and gratifying experience. A special thank you to Archana Thomas, Indrajit Bhattacharjee and Raymond Rozario for being a solid backbone through my journey and helping me learn the ropes of brand management and public relations. It’s been a joyful ride, and I look forward to learning more from each and everyone of you.

I would like to conclude by saying that you are the maker of your life. The writer of your own destination. My journey until now was rocky; full of twists and unknown challenges turned into remarkable opportunities; and getting out of the comfort zone was surely daunting, but it was so fulfilling and amazing.

So get out there and hustle, conquer, win, fall and get up again. Enjoy the process and the journey. Embrace the flow.

