Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

To Be “Human First” at The Mavericks

Archana Thomas
The Mavericks
Published in
4 min readJan 24, 2022


It’s been months since I have been trying to put pen to paper, excessively procrastinating on what I should write about in my first blog for The Mavs, how I should construct it and most importantly, whether it would even make for an interesting read. And finally, one fine day, it occurred to me that this is not a test of my writing skills or my thought process. Rather, this post is a reflection of the time spent at The Mavericks over the last couple of months. So, here’s my story.

It was the month of May 2021. India was reeling under the effects of the deadly second wave and all one could hear of, were stories of gloom and doom. And like many others who became victims of the infection, my family and I tested positive as well. All we could do was just try and get by each day, hoping that we’ll fight this together and come out stronger, at the end of it all. In the midst of all that despair, I have to admit that there was a tinge of excitement but also some amount of nervousness in me. Why? Because I was joining The Mavericks.

I was slated to join The Mavericks on 3rd May 2021 but had to push it by a week until I recovered. On one particular day, Covid decided to literally knock the socks out of me. I was mentally and physically at my lowest. I honestly couldn’t think of anything else but just find a way to feel better. I was flooded with messages from friends and well-wishers and in the sea of all those messages, came rather surprising and heartwarming texts from two unknown numbers. I decided to read just those two, and instantly, I had a big smile on my face. Two people (and now colleagues whom I work with closely) reached out to me checking on me, giving me words of hope and encouragement. I was relieved, happy and hopeful. Instantly, I knew that this place was going to be different and I eagerly looked forward to a new chapter at The Mavericks.

For years, I kept hearing about how organizations need to put their employees first and that the foundation of any successful organization is its people. But for me, that concept came to life for the very first time at The Mavericks — in fact, it started that very day when my soon-to-be colleagues texted me out of the blue, inquiring about my health and well-being. We didn’t know each other, we had never met each other and yet they chose to reach out. Instead of waiting for me to recover and join the organization a week later, they went one step and chose to be human first. This is an ode to them, and everything I’ve experienced in the last eight months, here at the Mavericks.

During my time here at The Mavericks, I’ve understood that an employee’s personal life is as important as his / her professional growth. That our culture does not exist just for the sake of existing but is imbibed and lived every day. Where every person’s achievement (however big or small; personal or professional) is celebrated with genuine appreciation and encouragement. That in times of mental and physical distress, we give people their space to heal and recover. In knowing that we have the liberty to be downright honest and straightforward, instead of just blindly pleasing everyone around us. That regardless of the situation we are in, we are unflinching and uncompromising in our values and beliefs. In recognising that failing, is better than never trying, never risking or never pushing the boundaries. A place where we heavily bank on each other’s strengths, relentlessly support each other in areas we aspire to grow, and along the way, try and become better versions of ourselves. However, above all, the biggest revelation for me has been the fact that in a world that is obsessed with being the “first”, in everything, The Mavericks is truly a “people first”, but more importantly a “Human First” organization. And we choose to be a “first” at that, every day.

I find myself in sort of a familiar situation once again, as I write this in January 2022. We are right in the middle of the third wave and I keep hearing of colleagues across the organization going through what I have gone through during the pandemic. And as a Maverick now, I truly believe that this is my chance to reach out, to care, to nurture, but above all, to BE HUMAN FIRST.

