Christ Jesus’ View On Homosexuality and Bisexuality

Joseph O Polanco
Published in
2 min readDec 19, 2016
What does the Bible teach?

Jesus taught,

“For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality[πορνεῖαι]. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person. “-Mark 7:21, 23 (Bracket mine)

Notice here that Christ employs the phrase πορνεία. Precisely what is πορνεία?

The NAS New Testament Greek Lexicon explicates-

Strong’s Number: 4202

Transliterated Word — Porneia — Phonetic Spelling — por-ni’-ah



Illicit sexual intercourse -

1.1 adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with animals etc.

As is readily apparent, with just a basic comprehension of the Koine Greek concept of πορνεία, it’s clear what exactly is and is not normal human sexual conduct in both Christ’s and our Creator’s sight.

Does this mean that those with homosexual or bisexual inclinations must forever be a slave to their lust? Not at all! Unalike irrational beasts, human beings are more than capable of adapting their sexual behavior and limiting it to its proper place. (Even those struggling with sexual deviations have benefited greatly from medical advances designed to help them regain their good health.)

Withal, there are many loyal to God who refuse to engage in any porneia. They happily prefer to remain celibate until such time as they find a fitting heterosexual partner to marry and build a natural family with, as our loving Creator originally purposed or they simply chose to remain celibate. Such ones not only enjoy the benefits of having a clean conscience but the wonderful blessings reserved for those who persist in maintaining a close, personal relationship with the Sovereign of the Universe, Jehovah God. (Psalms 83:18; Psalm 97:10; Psalm 145:20; 2 Samuel 22:26; 1 Samuel 2:9)

