What Nobody Told You About Depression

Joseph O Polanco
Published in
3 min readDec 18, 2017

IMPORTANT: Should you be feeling suicidal at this moment, dial 911 at once and get the emergency care you absolutely need. Keep in mind, clinical depression is a treatable medical condition so get professional medical care right now.

“Most lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with their song still in their hearts.” -Anonymous

Call it what you will, but there exists this important part of you — an instinctual wisdom, if you will — that has struggled to get yourself to stop and repair a piece of you that shattered quite a long time ago.

Except you’ve told yourself you simply either don’t have enough money, don’t have sufficient time, don’t have enough self confidence, don’t have enough faith, don’t have enough determination, don’t have enough belief in yourself, don’t have enough love for yourself or any one of a multitude of excuses you’ve been rattling off to yourself each and every single day as valid reasons for not stopping and attempting to mend that aspect of you that broke down.

This innate wisdom within you — your other “you”; the real “you”— is fed up with looking at itself in the mirror but finding only a shell, an empty husk.

“You” doesn’t want this to be your life except you haven’t been paying attention to him/her. In effect, you’ve left “you” without any other choice but to close you down. As such, what you’re sensing right now is the result of this resource “you” is making use of to get you to STOP! and then do anything and everything in your power to repair “YOU.”

“You” is on strike!

The point is, pay attention to “you.” “You” has shut you down — and will keep you shut down — until you provide “you” the existence it so frantically needs. It’s sick and tired of listening to your rationalizations, your excuses — “you” wants no more of it!

The only way you’ll make peace with “you” is by actually doing precisely what he/she needs.

What is it that you need?

Perhaps it’s to -

  • Completely eliminate toxic/abusive relationships
  • Leave that highly stressful, life-sucking J.O.B. ( Journey of The Broke )
  • Stop chasing after those that will simply never ever love you
  • Be a little kid again and just have fun!
  • Spend lots more time with those who really love you and care for you
  • Stop poisoning yourself with rage, bitterness or envy
  • Devote more time doing the stuff you love and less doing the things you are sick of
  • Stop being anxious about issues you simply have zero control over
  • Go on an exciting escapade!
  • Indulge in all of the stunning natural beauty of our extraordinary planet
  • Stop being so alone all the time
  • Finally forgive and forget past offenses and wounds
  • Discover real meaning in spirituality rather than seeking it in the vacuousness of materialism
  • Or maybe it just wants for you to be good to yourself, to be really, really good to yourself …

Only “you” knows.

Listen but Obey

The marvelous thing is that, along the way you’ll, gradually feel more energy, more enthusiasm, more intelligence, more wisdom, more serenity and more happiness and joy until finally “you” makes the decision to turn you back on and release you from Depression.

So obey ”you.”

Get started right now!

No matter how deep the darkness, always seek the light.

P. S. Try to remember as well that your adoring Creator, Jehovah God, loves you very, very much. You are precious to him so he is never to blame for anything awful that has ever taken place.

However, if you’re asking yourself precisely how a God of love can allow bad things to occur, you’ll be happy to know he has a powerful reason why.

