“Why Doesn’t God Love Me?”

Joseph O Polanco
Published in
4 min readFeb 26, 2019

Far too many nowadays feel as if their life is just an endless series of problems. It feels like all they’re doing is spending day after day tripping from one catastrophe to the next.

“Why me?“ they ask. “Why doesn’t God love me?”

If you have been feeling this way, take heart! God does love you and I can prove it.

Since you’re perusing this that most likely means you’re breathing. Yaayyy!! :)

But, exactly where did this oxygen originate from? More to the point, just how much does it cost you?

How about the meals you have? The water you enjoy?

Or the sunlight giving you warmth?

And how about the garments you’re dressed in or the roof over your head? Exactly where did those materials come from?

Have you been fairly healthy? In that case this means your natural immunity works as it should to make sure you keep protected from foreign microorganisms which could quite easily end you. Exactly where did that come from?

Some may insist that this all got here from nothing or that it’s all pure chance but that doesn’t seem sensible. In the end, out of nothing, nothing comes. So where did this all come from?

Our Creator. Your Creator, Jehovah God.

He has been doing right by you “giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying you with food and filling your hearts with gladness.” -Acts 14:17

Now carefully consider that for a bit. Do you honestly believe he would provide you with all of this if he did not actually care about you, if he didn’t cherish you?

And he’s been demonstrating his love to you since before you were even born. Want proof?

Well, exactly where did your mother get all the nutrition you needed to continue living while you were in her womb?

And the fresh air she breathed, the water she consumed, the resources for the clothes she dressed in or for the roof over her head?

Yes, alllll of this came from your Creator. . . because he loves you.

And it does not stop there. More than just continually providing you with all the things you’ve needed to continue to exist, he’s even gone so far as to give you the guidance you absolutely need to be able to have the best possible life today and for all eternity : The Bible.

So, yes, God does indeed love you. Yes, you are very important to him, valuable even.

But then how come is life so painful right now?

Is it possible, perhaps, that you’re doing it wrong?

Maybe you’ve been trying to figure this out without help or you’ve been following some really terrible advice?

If that’s the case, why not allow your loving Creator to show you the way?

“I, Jehovah, am your God,
The One teaching you to benefit yourself,
The One guiding you in the way you should walk.

If only you would pay attention to my commandments!
Then your peace would become just like a river
And your righteousness like the waves of the sea.” -Isaiah 48:17, 18

Why not let your loving Creator show you the way?

