How Do You Know the Person You Live With Isn’t a Murderer?

Plus other such suspicions

The Mayhem


Photo by Benjamin Balázs on Unsplash

How well do you really know your partner? Or the people around you? Are they hiding their true colors from you or are you a good judge of character? Right now, I’m not so sure. I’m not sure at all.

What’s so funny, punk?

This morning, I saw my husband smiling into his phone while sitting on the toilet. For someone who is almost never cheerful, this was odd.

“You look happy. What’re you smiling at? And please, close the door next time!”

“Oh, just some funny killing videos. And sorry, no can’t do. I like watching you watching me in the toilet, ha ha ha.”

Through the cacophony of swishing mouthwash and dripping pee, I couldn’t hear him well enough. Did he say killing? Or was it drilling? Or grilling?

My instincts were on alert now and I felt a shiver go down my spine from the leak in the airconditioner. My gut and its bacteria went into overdrive, sending me warning signals to never eat a burger with fries and a shake after midnight, and that he was going to kill me.

I watched him intently, and even washed my face with my eyes open, blinking at the soap stinging my eyes. As he got up and came towards me. I jumped…



The Mayhem

Writer of Personal Stories, Humor, Fiction & Mental Health