Madly Marvelous Writing Prompts for Maximum Mayhem

Let’s swing the chamber doors open and see what waits inside…

Ira Robinson
The Mayhem


Image painted by author

The doors to the inner chamber swing wide, a dusky glow emanating from within slashing across your face.

Motes of dust waft as you step forward, keen eyes seeking out whatever treasures are hidden within.

Though the trip was long and arduous, you’ve finally arrived. Before you lay chests filled with hopes and wonders, sparking ideas in your imagination.

Welcome to The Mayhem, and a new collection of writing prompts to push your creativity to new frontiers.

Today, we have five prompts for fiction. While some could be used for horror or fantasy, there could also be amazing science fiction, romance, or dramas hidden within.

Ready to begin?

The first chest opens, and reveals the following words on the scroll hidden deep within its recesses…

  • The protagonist is a veteran of a war, living on the outskirts of town. He tries to avoid dealing with people, but there are times he has no choice. What the townsfolk do not realize is he’s already died multiple times but keeps rising again.



Ira Robinson
The Mayhem

Published author of over a dozen books and dozens of short stories, Digital painter, and streamer, and blind. Contact me at