Twilight Travel

A mystic rebirth of myth feared.
The Mayhem
2 min readJun 27, 2022


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Twas beneath the twinkle of the nights guard I first felt hint of the changes to come.

I had always been a lone wolf meek in my interactions of others, untrusting and distant, for so often they had proved to be unworthy.

This hint of the day I felt something different, resentment and bloodlust.

My first taste at wanting to inflict pain in place of the usual compassion I had always displayed. My first disregard for the safety of myself and those around me.

Perhaps it was my disorientation of being away from home in a land foreign to me. The night releasing a certain freedom as I watched the fog hang low above the moors of north-eastern Yorkshire. With no recollection of how I had crossed the pond and even less interest in discovery, I wandered the UK hillsides as any other animal in the wild.

I could sense things in the distance as well as those near to me, no matter if they stood above two legs or four. Each presenting a certain aroma reminding me of meals past had, but these inklings were less towards the plated presentation, and more to the trill of the hunt.

I felt a certain confidence in swag and breath walking between the blades and roughness of the countryside as it combed my ribcage like a lover in foreplay. When the clouded blanket was peeled from the moon in hiding, a surge not unlike the rush of pleasure that lover might gift, traveled my veins begging gated run, as well as victim chase.

Hardly containing myself I howled call to the luminous globe, in hope others might respond, and game be forewarned. Meek had deserted me this night of rebirth as well as the man I may have once been.

The fear of being hunted had been shed along with the skin of what I was, replaced and reinforced with a needful desire to inhale nothing but open space, and the crimson of any who crossed me.

I was now the wild in motion, and man just another choice of nourishment, deserving of the hell I promised to bring to its threshold.

The moon smiling at my serenade, raining down light upon the land now mine to roam.


The Mayhem

Patient of life, attempting to heal oneself by Quill. Transitioning from a profession of technology.