That Time He Stopped Me From Leaving


“What time do we have to go?” I asked.

My flight back to Singapore is at 7.55pm.

“At never o’clock,” he replied. “Of Never-ary.”

It is the 6th of January today. A Tuesday.

“Babbbbeee… I need to pack. I have to get going.”

I walked over to the sofa where he’s laying.

“But I don’t want you to leave.”

I laid my head on his tummy. He looked so sad I thought he’s going to cry or something.

“Your tummy is making funny noises,” I laughed.

“Maybe it’s hungry. I don’t know.”

I turned my head towards him and we kissed on the lips. He still had that troubled look on his face.

I hate to see him so upset.

“Can you not leave today? Just not today. Leave another day.”

I gave it a thought.

Well, no harm staying for just a few more days, really. It would just be an extension of my December holiday.

“Change the flight? Till when?”


I laughed.

“You never want me to leave, don’t you?”


“But I have to.”

“I know.”

I knew he would always want me to stay.

In fact he’d prefer that we be together 24/7. Maybe it’s the honeymoon period. Because I want to be with him 24/7 too. We just love being around each other.

So… even if it’s just for a few days…

“Well it’s your call. Like literally. You gotta call the airline now to change it before it’s too late. Oh my god babe it’s like 3 hours to my flight!”


Happily, he rolled off the couch, or more like he hopped out of it, off to his phone.

Moments later, after the deed was done, he came to me, smiling.

Like he’s so proud of what he’s done.

“So I changed it. To 2016.”

“Nooo. You changed it to Saturday,” I said.

I heard him talk to the airline personnel on the phone.

“Now let me go get the chains.”

It’s our internal joke — about him locking me up so I won’t be able to leave.

He’d joked with my best friend(s) before that if I do not return to Singapore, she or he’d be sure to find me here in his apartment in Hong Kong.

“So what’s for dinner, babe?”

And we both smiled.



Keay Nigel
The meaning of life is to give life a meaning.

Keay Nigel is also on Huffpost, BuzzFeed, EliteDaily & Thought Catalog // IG: @keaynigel