Tables turn ; Bridges burn .

but do you really live & learn ?

Melody Dominique
the meaning of life .
2 min readJan 3, 2014


Recently someone I know has found themselves stuck in between a “ rock & a hard place . ” They’re now finding themselves calling out for help to enemies that were once his friends . Its safe to say that he is alone now . His circle of friends have now diminished .

Yes . All of our parents have told us that friends come go , but what about when you’re the cause for good people turning away ? Can it still easily be shrugged off ? Or does it fester in your mind ? I guess people assume more friends will come around . Nobody really thinks about how your actions can affect others . The thought of their pride & ego overpowers the consideration of others. Its done subconsciously majority of the time .

It puzzles me when people think they can treat anyone any type of way & there wouldnt or shouldnt be any reprocussions . I believe people need to stop & think about their actions . Its funny that people can parade up & down how they dont need anyone until the moment comes when you need EVERYONE . Just take the time out & look in the mirror & ask yourself how good have you been to people ? & do you think you can improve on it . If you can actually look at yourself & cant find a flaw in how you treat anyone ; you need to reevaluate yourself because everyone has mistreated ONE person one time or many times .

