Boy Scout efforts don’t go unnoticed by council

Troop 26 was honored at this week’s meeting for their contributions to beautify the public safety building entrance.

Melissa Riker
The Medford Sun
3 min readSep 8, 2018


The completed project, submitted by Ellen Sterbenz.

Boy Scout Troop 26 was honored at this week’s township council meeting for its contribution in beautifying the entrance of the public safety building.

The troop was recognized for its civic contributions and service to others in the community, and Mayor Chuck Watson said “continued devoted service is the backbone of our society.”

According to a release provided by Ellen Sterbenz, Advancement Chairperson of Troop 26, the idea for the project of enhancing the aesthetic of the building and grounds formed after the troop helped with a “Movies in the Park” event at Freedom Park, where it noticed “the messy appearance around the new sign” of the public safety building.

The release stated the troop participated in recutting the weed-filled mulch bed, removing dead plants and old buried edging rocks, building up the ground around the retaining wall with mulch and adding plants to create an appealing sight for residents and guests passing by the building due to the high popularity of visitors at Freedom Park across the street.

To complete this project, troop members, Scoutmasters, parents and Medford officials had to work together. Troop leaders contacted the township to confirm they had authorization to put their thoughts into action, given the building’s importance to the township and the efforts the township and police department have made to maintain a pleasing appearance.

The project took multiple days to complete and will have a lasting impact on the town, officials said. Watson said the township and the Medford Police Department recognize the high standards and hard work of members of Troop 26, and he thanked them for their dedication and service to the community.

“We want to thank you for being here and for doing the work that you’ve done in many projects around the community,” Watson said. “Deputy Mayor Denn and I are both Eagle Scouts from Troop 26 so we’re proud to see Troop 26 step it up and do a lot of great things.”

In other news:

● The first night of food trucks on Main Street was held on Aug. 16. Watson said the night was extremely successful, resulting in lifting the restriction of the number of food trucks allowed to participate. Originally, there were a maximum of six food trucks allowed on Main Street for the food truck nights held every third Thursday of the month from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. There is an expected number of 10 food trucks that will participate on Sept. 20.

● There was discussion over the “Dog Park Soil Erosion Project” that was started a few years ago at Freedom Park, which is focused around rebuilding eroded parts of the creek dog owners often take their pets to. Councilman Chris Buoni suggested the implementation of a ramp into the creek to deter people from taking their dogs into areas of the creek that are blocked off.

The next regular meeting will be held on Sept. 18 at the Public Safety Building located at 91 Union St. at 7 p.m.

