Could there be an end to license restoration fees?

Assemblyman Ryan Peters hopes to waive fees due to mental or physical conditions.

Melissa Riker
The Medford Sun
2 min readJan 16, 2019


New Jersey residents are suffering from hidden fees brought on by medical conditions that extend far beyond the doctor’s office.

Assemblyman Ryan Peters will introduce legislation to end a New Jersey Department of Motor Vehicles practice that charges people $100 to restore their driver’s license after a medical suspension.

“It’s astonishing the amount of hidden fines and fees that exist in this state,” said Peters (R-Burlington). “This is one that clearly should not exist as it is a pure money grab. In no world should someone who suffers from a mental or physical condition be made to pay $100 to drive again if they are cleared from that condition.”

The issue was brought to the 8th District legislator’s attention through constituent outreach, when a resident of the district got in touch with the assemblyman to share her story of her medical condition.

Vanvie Alleyne, of Westampton, has epilepsy and had her driver’s license suspended due to her medical condition. She had to be seizure free and medically cleared in order to have her license restored. However, upon getting her license restored, she had to pay the same $100 restoration fee as people who have their license suspended for non-medical reasons.

“To have to pay a debt to society after having your license suspended due to repeated unsafe driving or driving under the influence is understandable, but to have to pay $100 to have your licensed restored after overcoming a mental or physical condition is just not right,” Peters said. “It’s time to end this practice for good.”

Currently, the Department of Motor Vehicles has the authority to charge a $100 fee for the restoration of any license which has been suspended or revoked, regardless of the reason. The bill would waive the restoration fee for any license that was suspended due to a mental or physical condition that compromised the driver to safely operate a motor vehicle.

