Letter: avoiding a world war

The Medford Sun
Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2015

When is the world going to wake up? Even our own President believes that ISIS is a nuisance but not a major problem. Let the Shiites and the Sunnis kill each other, why do we care? But that is not their intent. They want to dominate the world and inflict their twisted belief in religion on the rest of us.

The cliché by the Jewish community during WWII was that the Nazi’s were not a problem until they knocked on your door — then it was too late.

All of the major countries, including the U.S. have a stake in this fight. They seem to be intimidated by their own Muslim communities fearing that if they take a stand then these communities will rise up and cause havoc locally. The world has the capability to eliminate this threat by eliminating arms sales, confiscating their finances and stopping beneficial trade.

Finally we have the military power to eliminate the threat once and for all. How many hundreds of thousands have to be killed before even our own government wakes up and takes a stand. World War II didn’t start overnight but when no one was willing to engage the offenders it ballooned into a major war. When it was finally brought to a halt as many as 75 million lost their lives. Property and industry was severely damaged and the cost to recover strained the world for the next decade. We have a choice, we can take the battle to the declared enemy or we can wait.

Marion Eggleton

