Letter to the Editor: City Councilman Jeffrey Beenstock

Tom Beck
The Medford Sun
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2017

The Democratic candidates for Medford Council have campaigned on the allegation that the current council decided to pay off the Township’s debt more quickly than required. They promise the savings they believe would result from extending the debt payments will fund services they claim need to be restored. This platform falsely characterizes the record of the current council.

At no time did the current council decide to pay the debt, which we inherited, more quickly than required. The council tried in 2012 to extend the maturity date as part of the effort to close the $6 million deficit. The state’s local finance board didn’t approve this extension. Fortunately, we have worked within the current debt schedule. Extending the debt payments now when there is not a need makes no sense and is not in Medford’s best interest.

I am at a loss to understand which services the Democratic candidates think need to be restored other than opening the public bathrooms, which were closed due to constant vandalism and not for financial reasons. This council has been restoring municipal services for years as Medford’s financial condition has improved. Examples are the hiring of additional police officers and firefighters, expanding the hours the yard is open, hiring a contractor to help with leaves, spending over $4 million the last three years to pave roads, replacing the turf field at Bende Park, and taking over plowing of the County roads. We’ve come a long way since the financial crisis when the worst criticism of the current Council is that the public bathrooms were closed.

We need to elect leaders who have the experience and knowledge to keep Medford fiscally sound and a desirable place to live. Watson, Denn and Rebstock are those leaders. Please join me in voting for them on Nov. 7.

