Letter to the Editor: Patrick R. Progar

Progar discussed political candidates.

Melissa Riker
The Medford Sun
2 min readAug 28, 2018


While I was not surprised to learn that Paul Manafort, former Campaign Chair to Donald Trump, was just found guilty on eight counts, or that Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s personal attorney, just pled guilty to eight counts of corruption, including violations of campaign finance law, I am extremely disappointed in them. They held positions of trust and not only have they brought shame on themselves, they have cheated the hardworking citizens of the United States.

I am no politician, but even I saw this coming. News media has been all over this, former politicians and law enforcement officials have predicted this outcome, Democrats in Congress have seen this coming and even a few Republicans in Congress have voiced concerns with the graft and corruption of the current administration, although it has been mostly Republicans recently retired from Congress such as Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania. Current Republican members of Congress, such as New Jersey’s Tom MacArthur, have remained largely silent, and when they do address the issue, they engage in denial, deflection and dangerous and unwarranted attacks on the press.

Congressman MacArthur, your silence speaks volumes. Please do your constituents a favor moving forward. Please no false statements of astonishment or dismay with Manafort, Cohen, and yes, President Trump. Please no more attacks on the FBI or the Department of Justice. Please no more pretending to be the Party of Law and Order.

You have chosen silence Congressman MacArthur! You are as complicit as anyone. Own your silence and your complicity. The voters of New Jersey’s 3rd Congressional District will judge your actions in just over two months from now. You silently stood by during perhaps the worst case of corruption this country has seen in more than 100 years and sided with an unindicted co-conspirator by the name of Donald Trump.

When I go to the voting booth on Tuesday, Nov. 6, I will vote for candidates that put the United States before political party. I will vote for the candidates that put their constituents before their own self-interest. And Congressman MacArthur, that means I am campaigning and voting for Andy Kim for Congress in 2018.

Patrick R. Progar

