Letter to the editor: White House out of control

The Medford Sun
Published in
2 min readNov 11, 2015

Every year we are asked to back an increase in property taxes to support local education needs. We hear reports daily about the poor education available in the inner cities and their need for increased funding locally, from the state and the federal government. Reports indicate that even in our affluent area, many graduates are accomplishing less than average on the qualifying SAT tests and more than 50 percent are not ready to enter college despite the highest expenditure per student in the world on education. Many graduate from high school with an inability to read or accept a role in society. We constantly hear that many US students do with out adequate books, even pencils, and with all of this, only 81 percent graduate from high school. Despite all that we provide in terms of qualified teachers, the finest facilities, and financial support, education achievement in this the country ranks 35th among world countries in Math, 27th in Science, and 23rd in reading skills.

With this said, on Oct. 22, the White House (USAID Press Release) announced that Michelle Obama as part of her “Let Girls Learn” initiative was granting $70 million to educate young girls in Pakistan. A country where PEW Research Centers’ public opinion poll found that 74 percent Pakistani’s considered the United States an enemy. The taxpayers of the United States will have to borrow $70 million from China to give it to a country that hates us just to establish Michelle Obama’s legacy while the students of this country suffer.

Marion Eggleton

