Letter to the Editor: Writer calls out Paul Ryan to address mass shootings

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Kristen Dowd
The Medford Sun
2 min readFeb 27, 2018


Editor’s note: The following is an open letter to Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Paul Ryan.

Now is not the time for knee-jerk reactions? What is it the time for, more pandering by gutless self-serving politicians to deep-pocketed special interest groups like the NRA? You, sir, and your colleagues, should be ashamed of yourselves for not demanding stricter, enforceable gun control now.

I am a gun owner and like many others want something to be done — anything — to try and prevent these mass shootings from happening again. My cousins were in that school in Parkland (Fla.), hiding in closets, running past the dead bodies of friends, listening to their classmates calling out for their mothers as they lay dying in the hallways of their school, and but for the grace of God I’m not attending funerals right now.

This has to stop. You claim to defend the Constitution. Have you even read it? A well regulated militia… You, sir, have failed us miserably to regulate and once again our children must die as a result of your inaction.

Do your job. Step up or step aside.

Michael Goodfriend

