LETTER: Vote for good change: Elect Steve Lonegan to Senate

The Medford Sun
Published in
2 min readOct 3, 2013

New Jersey voters rarely have the chance to influence national politics, but they can send a clear message of change by electing Mayor Steve Lonegan to the U.S. Senate. Suffice to say that electing Cory Booker sends the wrong message, that everything is just fine with the direction of the country and the economy. Washington grows fat while the rest of the country barely gets by and grows weaker and weaker.

Sadly, the economic reality is that it’s more like a depression out there than economic recovery that supposedly started in 2009.
Does the “new normal” economy mean settling for something that previously was unacceptable? Do you want a better life for your children? Then you must change America’s course now.

Forget the talking heads on cable and the economic experts who have produced this terrible world. Funny how the so-called richest 1 percent are the ones who are gaining under the economic polices of Democrat Obama. Witness the vacant storefronts with all the friends and family who cannot find jobs. It doesn’t feel right because it’s not right!

The latest economic burden Obama is placing on us all is Obamacare. Not just the higher costs in premiums for everyone, not the lower ones promised, or the higher taxes on businesses trying to survive hard times, but the fact that those people lucky enough to get jobs are only getting part-time work that don’t have health-care coverage. Part-time work can’t pay for full-time lives.

Send a message from New Jersey to the rest of the country that things have to change for the better and that means a different direction and that starts with electing Steve Lonegan to the U.S. Senate on Oct. 16. Vote for good change.

Bruno DiStefano

