Medford resident taking radio waves by storm with singing, songwriting

The Medford Sun
Published in
3 min readFeb 25, 2015

Medford residents who are listeners to Philadelphia’s Alternative Radio 104.5’s “New Music Show” the past few months may have heard a song called “How is Your Girlfriend,” a rhythmic tune diving into the reflections of a teenage girl.

What listeners may not know is the song was written and performed by someone from their own backyard.

Melissa Weinstein, a junior at Shawnee High School, has had her single played multiple times on the 104.5 New Music Show. On Feb. 27, she is taking the next step forward in her musical journey as she will perform live on the radio station for the first time. Weinstein will be on Radio 104.5’s “Live at 5” program performing“How is Your Girlfriend” as well as a cover of “Cough Syrup “ by Young the Giant.

“It’s so surreal,” Weinstein said. “It’s really exciting.”

Weinstein’s music began playing on 104.5 after her dad Bob sent the station “How is Your Girlfriend.” The song got good reviews and has been played on the New Music Show.

About a month ago, Weinstein’s single caught the ears of Wendy Rollins, the host of “Live at 5,” She invited Weinstein to perform on the air a few weeks ago after hearing “How is Your Girlfriend” on the station’s airwaves.

Weinstein began writing songs as a way to express herself. She feels many teens her age can relate to her songs because they describe experiences many people have during their high school years. So far, Weinstein estimates she has written about 15 songs.

“I kind of write as my own diary, kind of a public diary,” she said.

Weinstein feels her music falls into the alternative genre, but said each one has a unique identity. In addition to “How is Your Girlfriend,” Weinstein has released two other singles named “Get Over Yourself and “Can You Take Me.” In addition, Weinstein has recorded two other singles she plans to release in the near future.

“They each have their own different kind of feel to them,” she said. “One could be considered pop, one could be considered folk, ‘How is Your Girlfriend’ is a little jazzy.”

Weinstein doesn’t just write and sing her songs. She also plays guitar, a talent her dad helped her pick up.

“My dad kind of taught me how to play guitar,” she said. “He gave me his old guitar and taught me a few chords. He inspired me to start playing.”

Since “How is Your Girlfriend” first debuted on 104.5 a couple months ago, listeners have taken to Twitter to rave about the song. Weinstein said it was incredible seeing how listeners actually enjoyed her music.

“I was reading a conversation between the host (Jessie Sabella) of the New Music Show, because my song was on yesterday,” Weinstein said. “This girl said ‘Jessie, I heard this song on the radio and I love it so much but I don’t know the name of it.’ I just read this whole conversation they had and she was so excited when she found out it was me. That’s actually happened a lot. It’s cool seeing people talk about my songs.”

In addition to her own music, Weinstein is also a member of a cover band at the New Jersey School of Music. She enjoys performing some covers on top of her own original music.

“Sometimes, there’s songs I can really relate to,” she said. “But if I can’t find the right words, I just write my own.”

Weinstein is hoping to turn music into a career someday. She believes her live performance on the radio is a step in that direction.

“I’m always hoping my music will take me somewhere,” she said.

All three of Weinstein’s singles are available to purchase on iTunes and Amazon. Listeners can also view a music video of “How is Your Girlfriend” on her YouTube channel Find out when Weinstein’s songs will be on the radio on her Facebook page,

