Woodford Cedar Run releases red tail hawk singed by methane

The hawk will be released next week.

Melissa Riker
The Medford Sun
2 min readAug 10, 2018


The lazy days of summer do not apply to the Cedar Run Wildlife Hospital. Summer is a busy time, particularly when most “patients” stay for months before they can be released into the wild.

Director of Wildlife Rehabilitation Lori Swanson has been treating a red-tailed hawk whose feathers were singed by a methane flare at a landfill is a long-term patient. “The flames are clear,” explained Swanson, “so the birds often fly through them without knowing they are there.” This hawk had most of her feathers singed, making it difficult to fly or hunt. “She was found in the road near the landfill, and was very emaciated when she was brought in,” Swanson said.

The hawk has to remain at Cedar Run through an entire molting season. She cannot be released until all of her new feathers have grown-in and she is able to hunt. Initially she was treated for impact injuries after being hit by a car. The hawk has been living in a flight enclosure while she molts and recovers.

In addition to the daily treatments, special attention was paid to nutrition, “because they must be able to care for themselves in all weather conditions, hunt effectively, and protect themselves against predators,” explained Swanson.

Now that the hawk has grown new feathers, she will be released next week.

Cedar Run’s wildlife rehabilitation hospital, which treats more than 4,700 wild animals each year, is the busiest in the state, and operates entirely from private funding and donations. Any questions or information on Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge’s programs or mission, please contact Shannon Kilpatrick, Donor Relations Manager, (856) 983–3329 x 102, Shannon.Kilpatrick@CedarRun.org.

