Highlight recording and Twitter sharing 💥

Megacool Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2017

We’re excited to share that our latest update brings two great new features: Highlight recording and Twitter sharing.

Highlight recording

Now you can record what matters most.

Since our launch, we’ve been getting tons of requests for adding highlight recording to Megacool. Now, you can record the most interesting part of a game session — whether this is an awesome action by the player or a hilarious fail.

Soon to launch ski game by Red Bull Media House showing highlight recording by detecting the part with the most number of tricks in the air.

​Highlight recording tracks game intensity and analyzes gameplay changes as they unfold to find the most intense game playing sequences and create more share-worthy moments for players and their friends.

We’re excited to see how you use this feature in your apps! Follow our simple quickstart guide to get started with highlight recording:

👉 ​Check out our quickstart​ guide here 👈

Twitter sharing .. FINALLY!!!

Now users can share GIFs directly to Twitter from your app with Megacool!

As some of you may know, Twitter + GIF sharing does not equal ❤️ on iOS. By default, Twitter converts GIFs to .jpg when shared from outside Twitter. Originally we had a solution for bypassing this nonsense, but then Apple had to go and unfriend Twitter with iOS11. Never deterred, we went back to the drawing board and found another way to bypass this with our Megacool custom Twitter sharing.

👉​ Get started​ with Twitter sharing 👈

OH AND BY THE WAY! Custom sharing now supports both Android and iOS…which is also Megacool!

Want a quick demo? Email us at hello [at] megacool . co

We’ll be back with more,
Team Megacool



Megacool Blog

We let players capture and share GIFs from engaging moments in your mobile game. Sign up to learn more at https://megacool.co