After That Day in December, Life Would Never Be the Same Again

I got what I wanted, but…did I really want it?

The Memoirist


Photo by Matt Barnard:

I took a step forward and stood nervously at the top of the line. It was my turn next.

In an act to seem “casual,” I stretched my neck from side to side like I was a regular at the yoga game, and took in the sights and smells of sweaty bodies in formal clothes waiting for their fate to be delivered. Man, a lot of people are desperate to get out, huh?


As I walked towards the counter, the words “Sorry, we cannot grant you your visa” fell on my ears.

Startled, I wanted to run behind the crying boy who just left and ask him “What happened? What did they ask you? Did you forget something? Tell me! Tell me!”

But instead, I stayed rooted by the window, all the advice I had gotten up until then replaying in my head:

“Remember, do not say anything before you’re asked. Give them only what they want. Nothing more, nothing less. Okay?”
“Be slow when you speak, be confident, and don’t rush it.”
“Smile, smile and smile. Win them over with your smile. What is that? Yes, yes, it’s just a fucking student visa but you…



The Memoirist

Writer of Personal Stories, Humor, Fiction & Mental Health