Ahh, Grandma’s House: My Journey Through Memories

Finding ‘Grandma’s house’ in unlikely hearts

Andressa S
The Memoirist
5 min readMay 27, 2023


Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Ahh, “Grandma’s house”… the cozy haven that many of my friends were fortunate enough to experience. Allow me to share with you the heartfelt story of my childhood, a tale that resonates with love, resilience, and the power of unexpected connections.

I have vivid memories of the yearning I experienced as a child, growing up without the beloved “Grandma’s house” that appeared to be a fundamental part of my friends' lives. It was a haven filled with warmth, laughter, and boundless joys—a sanctuary where love thrived and memories blossomed.

As I listened to my friends recount their adventures in Grandma's house, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of envy and longing. They spoke of delicious homemade treats that filled the air with their tantalizing aroma, of cozy nights spent snuggled under handmade quilts, and of the enchanting stories Grandma would weave with her soft, comforting voice.

Photo by Aditya Joshi on Unsplash

While my own childhood lacked the physical presence of Grandma's house, I discovered solace in my imagination. I would often conjure up vivid images of what it might be like to walk through its doors, to be enveloped in the warmth of familial love, and to create cherished memories that would last a lifetime.

Through the stories shared by my friends, Grandma's house became a place of enchantment, naturally a symbol of everything I yearned for—an irreplaceable bond with a grandmother's love. It fueled my determination to one day experience those moments for myself, to create my own treasured memories within the walls of a grandma's embrace.

Photo by Jorien Loman on Unsplash

One day, my parents introduced me to Mr. Toni and Mrs. Zelinda, an elderly couple who lived in our neighborhood. They were warm and welcoming, with hearts overflowing with love and stories to share. Their home became my unofficial “Grandma’s house” — a place where I felt safe, cherished, and part of a loving family.

As soon as I stepped inside, I was greeted by a delightful array of comforting scents that enveloped me. The aroma of freshly baked cookies wafted from the kitchen, while the familiar scent of aging books filled the air from the shelves. I also caught a hint of lavender that seemed to come from Mrs. Zelinda's treasured garden. It was a truly wonderful sensory experience that immediately made me feel at home.

As I stepped into their home, I couldn’t help but feel the warmth and love that filled every corner. The treasures that adorned the walls spoke of a lifetime of cherished memories, each one telling a unique story. The cozy living room, with its well-loved armchairs and vintage decorations, had clearly been the setting for countless conversations, laughter, and heartfelt moments. It was clear that this was a home filled with love, and I felt grateful to be welcomed into such a special place.

Photo by Diane Picchiottino on Unsplash

One of the things I treasure most about the time I spent with them is the love and guidance they provided. They showered me with affection, imparted their wisdom, and treated me like their own granddaughter.

Whenever I needed help with school projects or just someone to talk to during my turbulent teenage years, they were always there, offering their unwavering support. Their love and care made all the difference in my life, and I will always be grateful for their presence in my journey.

As the years passed, my bond with Mr. Toni and Mrs. Zelinda grew stronger. They became an integral part of my life, attending milestones, celebrating achievements, and offering sage advice during challenging times. Their love transcended the label of “neighbors” or “family friends” — they became true grandparents to me in every sense of the word.

Sadly, time eventually caught up with them, and they passed away in 2018, leaving a void in my heart. But their legacy lives on within me. The memories we created together, the love they showered upon me, and the lessons they taught me continue to shape my life.

Photo by corina ardeleanu on Unsplash

Though I didn’t have a conventional “Grandma’s house,” they showed me that family extends beyond blood relations. They exemplified the beauty of unexpected connections and the profound impact that a grandparent’s love can have on a young soul.

Today, I carry their spirit within me, cherishing the moments we shared and embracing the unconventional grandparental bonds that have graced my life. Their love continues to guide me, reminding me that a “Grandma’s house” isn’t confined to a physical space but resides in the hearts of those who offer us love, support, and a sense of belonging.

It is a deep regret not to have a photo of them to be able to remember and feel their presence closer!

(Photo by FuSuSu in Pixabay)

The memories we crafted together within the walls of their home, the boundless love they showered upon me, and the invaluable lessons they imparted continue to shape the very core of my existence. R.I.P



Andressa S
The Memoirist

Those who do not recognize the value of words, do not recognize the value of people