My Attempt Writing About How I’m Crushing The Stigma

And It Started At The End

Bridie Dillon
The Memoirist
Published in
4 min readFeb 21, 2022


Image from Canva heavily edited by Bridie D.
This post was born from an enticing conversation with Ilana Lydia. About where I first noticed the stigma on mental illnesses. Suggesting an origin story of sorts. 

This is my fourth version.
It’s hard to pin down. I want to write about it. I really truly do. I believe my struggles and experiences hold knowledge worth writing about. Worth sharing. However, I didn’t expect it to feel so impossible. So confronting and scary. But here we are.

My history with mental illnesses is tangled, anxiety-inducing, shameful and, like most humans – contains multitudes.

…I contain multitudes — Walt Whitman

Which is where the struggle blooms. Drips from past pain. My past hurts sometimes. I’m sure there are things in your past you aren’t super proud of?

I can’t be alone in this.

If I was, self-help wouldn’t be the booming industry it is.

Trying to overcome the aches is a battle I forge through every single day.
It’s not easy, far from it. This means it’s time to Inject…



Bridie Dillon
The Memoirist

Mum to two 👩‍👧‍👧All I really do is read