Exploring New Clues in the Disappearance of Maddie McCann

One last chance to solve Portugal’s most puzzling missing person case

Rui Alves
The Memoirist
5 min readMay 24, 2023


Photo by Scott Blake on Unsplash

The warm southern evening enveloped the coastal town of Praia da Luz as tourists reveled in the tranquility of their surroundings. But for the locals, that fateful night over 16 years ago left an indelible mark on their souls.

Here in Portugal, we all became entangled in the web of speculation and conjecture that surrounded the case. I watched as the media dissected every detail, casting doubt on the official investigation, and exposing the raw emotions of Maddie’s parents.

For days, the locals offered their unwavering support, their tireless search efforts, and the bittersweet unity that emerged from the tragedy. A tight-knit community clung to hope, offering solace to the McCann family during their darkest hours.

As I delve into my memories, I still recall how echoes of hope resonated across Portugal as a nation collectively held its breath.

Shadows in the twilight

Sixteen years ago, we came together as a nation to offer unwavering support. Memories linger as I look back on the tireless search efforts and the bittersweet unity that emerged from the tragedy.

Yet beneath the surface, questions lingered, their answers hidden in the depths of untold secrets.

From the initial police investigations to the myriad of theories, they sought to uncover the truth hidden amidst the noise.

With each passing day, the journey became more than the McCanns' quest for their beloved Madeleine. It transformed into a testament to resilience, a symbol of a nation yearning for closure.

As the years passed, the mystery remained etched into our collective memory here in Portugal.

This is the story of our quest for truth amidst the enigmatic shadows of Madeleine McCann’s disappearance.

Arade Dam, Algarve, Portugal | Photo by Rui Alves

Unveiling the shadows

In the heart of Portugal’s Algarve region, where the sun’s golden touch kisses the waves and cliffs meet the sea, a bleak tale of intrigue continues to unfold.

Dozens of journalists swarm the desolate landscape scorched by the ongoing drought. They stand before the Arade Dam, anticipation coursing through their veins.

With every shovel of earth turned and every stone overturned, they felt closer to unraveling the enigma that had haunted us all for years.

Will this be the moment when the veil is lifted, exposing the truth that lies concealed?

Does the reservoir hold in its waters the secrets surrounding Maddie’s disappearance and a promising chance to unearth long-awaited answers?

Only time will tell.

Echoes of hope

Time flies. I can’t believe it’s been 16 years since Madeleine McCann allegedly disappeared from her family’s holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal, while her parents dined at a nearby restaurant.

Yesterday, Portuguese police officers and investigators from Germany’s BKA and Scotland Yard announced a new search operation for clues at the Arade Dam, located about 50 kilometers from where Madeleine was last seen.

According to a statement from Portuguese police to Lusa, the search is being conducted within the scope of international cooperation, leading to a full clarification of the situation regarding Madeleine’s disappearance.

The Arade Dam, once again thrust into the spotlight, became the focal point of renewed search efforts in 2023.

This picturesque reservoir, nestled in the heart of the Algarve, had already been scoured a decade and a half ago.

That initial search, privately funded and shrouded in anticipation, had left investigators empty-handed, with nothing more than the grim discovery of suspicious bags containing mere cat skeletal remains.

Yet, undeterred by the past, the present search carried a glimmer of hope, as a resilient spirit of determination permeated the air, seeking to uncover the long-awaited truth.

A mosaic of lies

Once again, the Arade Dam finds itself at the center of a captivating drama, as investigators meticulously comb its surroundings in search of elusive answers.

Whispers of an infamous figure, a German national currently serving time for rape, reverberate through the corridors of speculation. The suspect, whose name is entwined with the enigma of Madeleine McCann’s disappearance, once called this very region his “paradise.”

Like a moth to a flame, the authorities are drawn to the secrets that may lie hidden within the Arade Dam’s tranquil embrace.

Beyond the reservoir’s reach, a search unfolds, casting its net wide across the Algarve’s landscape.

Houses, wells, and ancient waterwheels become the stage for an intricate performance orchestrated by the guiding hand of German authorities.

A tent rises, a command center where hope converges with determination, where clues might be pieced together to form a mosaic of truth.

The echoes of Madeleine’s vanishing reverberate through the years, a haunting melody that refuses to fade.

Yet, in this moment, a flicker of hope illuminates the path ahead. With each step taken and each inch of ground covered, investigators kindle the flame of possibility.

They dare to dream that this painstaking quest will unearth the key to unraveling the mystery that has gripped the world for 16 long years.

Through the twists and turns of the investigation, Kate and Gerry McCann, undeterred by the passage of time, remain steadfast in their unwavering pursuit of their missing daughter.

Their advocacy for Madeleine serves as a beacon of resilience, shining a light on the search operations unfolding before them.

The Arade Dam stands as a witness to the epilogue of this captivating drama, a silent accomplice to the search for truth.

A timeless dance

As the days unfold, anticipation hangs in the air, blending with the scents of the Algarve’s rugged beauty.

With bated breath, the world awaits the outcome, yearning for that pivotal moment when the curtain lifts, and the secrets concealed within the reservoir depths are brought into the light.

In this timeless dance between investigators, suspects, and a missing girl, the Arade Dam becomes more than a mere backdrop. It transforms into a symbol of hope and resilience against the relentless passage of time.

Deep within its storied embrace, a sliver of possibility lies dormant — will this latest chapter yield the key that unlocks the truth, finally granting peace to Madeleine and solace to those who have held her in their hearts all these years?

I am committed to keeping a close eye on the ongoing search for evidence, so stay tuned. I plan to be your steadfast companion on this intriguing investigation, bringing you the latest updates on the ongoing efforts to unravel the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.



Rui Alves
The Memoirist

Language teacher, linguist, coach, published author, editor, and international nonfiction book awards judge. Digital ronin, musician, and alchemist of sound.