Has Your Driving Instructor Ever Done a Stinky Fart and Not Owned Up to It?

What’s the point in lying when it’s obvious it’s a lie?

Edward John
The Memoirist
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2022


This happened about twenty years ago.

I was on a driving lesson, and suddenly there was a bad smell. My driving instructor then opened his window. He made the excuse, “I’m tired, so I need to get some fresh air.”

Why didn’t he own up to it?

If he smelled it, he must have known that I smelled it. We both knew he farted, and we both knew he didn’t own up to it. He was lying and he knew that I knew he was lying. An utterly pointless lie.

I lost respect for him in that moment.

How can you respect someone who lies even when it’s obvious that they’re lying? I’d have had much more respect for him he’d laughed about it and apologised. “Oops, sorry, that was me. I wasn’t expecting it to smell quite as bad as that.”

Farting is part of being human. Everyone does an unexpected smelly fart occasionally.

When you’re in a group, you can get away with not owning up to it. Nobody knows who did it. But during a driving lesson, I’m the only other person there. I smelled something and I knew it wasn’t me, so I knew it was him.



Edward John
The Memoirist

Sometimes my inside is full of sunshine 🌞 edwardjohnwritesATgmailDOTcom