He Cheated On Me, The Suffocating Feeling Ends… I Promise

Finally, ready to talk about my partner’s infidelity

Bridie Dillon
The Memoirist
Published in
9 min readApr 2, 2022


Photo by Morgan Alley on Unsplash
*Colourful language will ensue*

F*ck, this story has been congealing for a while. Forming a retch inducing gloopy skin.

Every time I talk about it feels like chainsawing my f*cking heart open and inducing uncontrollable sweating from everywhere (including places I don’t wish to detail).

I need to tell this story, or it will consume me. It needs freedom, light, exposure and the like. The events that follow mightn’t be in any sort of order but are all relevant to my main story.

I’m over its slimy ass layers. If I set it free, maybe, just maybe talking about it won’t be as suffocating and, I’ll be able to let go.

I’m born in the year of the pig so this free piggy seemed fitting. Creative Commons. “Pig on the wings” by macieklew is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

Meet me in the Afterglow

Five years ago, while engaged my partner cheated on me — Yes, we are still together. We worked tirelessly to make us work, salvage the love under suffering. We ironed out every mistake, and are stronger together. ❤



Bridie Dillon
The Memoirist

Mum to two 👩‍👧‍👧All I really do is read