Help Wanted: Except You

Adam J. Blust
The Memoirist
Published in
5 min readMar 12, 2022


Looking out for Number One. | Photo by the author

A full two weeks after what I thought was a flat-out amazing job interview, I once got a terse form letter rejection email that closed with this line:

“We invite you to apply in the future for positions for which you are qualified.”

Yeah, thanks.

Such is the candy-coated wonderland that is job hunting.

See, I’ve been around the block a few times. (More than a few.) I know how to write a laser-focused cover letter, and tweak my resume for the job. I know all the standard interview questions, and I have fantastic answers lined up for all of them. I’m presentable, reasonably but non-threateningly humorous, and able to converse intelligently on a host of topics. I have decades of experience in writing and editing, as a reporter, freelancer, and communicator in education and state government.

I also couldn’t get anyone to throw water on me if I was on fire.

What I haven’t already told you is that I’m over 50. (That happens when you have decades of experience.) I’m also looking for communications jobs in a university town, stuffed to the gills with smart, capable 25-year-olds who can be hired for a lot less money, and who can be molded into whatever shape is necessary.

That is not me. At all.



Adam J. Blust
The Memoirist

Writing memoir and memoir-adjacent stories. Hoping that exploring the past will illuminate the future. “How’s that working out for you, being clever?”