How a Doll Predicted I Would Become a Social Worker

….my career was determined by the age of 6

Judy Derby
The Memoirist


courtesy of

The only doll I remember having when I was a little girl was probably a hand-me-down.

My 4 sisters and I grew up poor, and my parents couldn’t afford new toys for us, but at that age, I don’t think I knew that. We made our own fun as most children do, with whatever was handy: a pot and pan, an empty oatmeal container, a box.

We made little “homes” for ourselves under bushes and trees outside. We’d climb in through low branches and clear out a spot and place our rugs or dishes and pretend the rest.

My favorite doll (and the only one I remembered) was a little ball-jointed doll with eyes that opened and closed when she was moved or jiggled.

Her eyes had very long lashes and she had a very sweet expression.

I say that she had eyes; but what I mean is that she should have had both eyes, but for whatever reason, she was missing one eye. I can only imagine the horrible mishap that befell this doll before she came into my care and keeping.

But whatever happened to her before she came to live with me, now she was mine to protect. I loved that baby doll so much, mainly because I felt so sorry for her…



Judy Derby
The Memoirist

Hey, ya’ll! I’m a retired social worker who always wondered what I should be when I grew up. Still don’t know. Love trivia, random thoughts and short stories.