How I Lost My Voice and Became Trapped Within Myself

My body was screaming at me, but I didn’t listen

Ali Hall
The Memoirist


Photo by Ryan Moreno on Unsplash

There were no words to say. It’s not like my mind was in turmoil, lost in the trees trying to navigate the right sentences to express. I had no words, and I felt nothing.

No peace, no stress. Just plain apathy. Apathy is a dangerous state to be in.

He tried talking to me, and I replied with one-word answers. I wasn’t being rude or evasive. I just didn’t have anything to say. Speaking suddenly had a heaviness about it. It was easier to remain silent.

We were on holiday.

A trip with our campervan and dogs up in the north of Scotland. Exquisite scenery with breathtaking vistas. Mountains and forests, oceans and beaches. A poetic landscape full of mysticism and wonderment.

We walked through pine forests; I said nothing. We paddled our kayak over the flirting waves of the open ocean, and still no words. We ate at a local cafe in silence.

I fell deeper inside myself like a feather in the wind making its way to the ground. I felt my words trapped in my soul with no means of escape. I wanted out. Specific words wanted out. But I couldn’t muster the strength to express my needs. And all other words were meaningless.



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