I Became A Widow At 25

It is a day I will never forget

Bernie Pullen
The Memoirist
Published in
6 min readDec 6, 2022


woman covering face upset
Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash

I was asked to recall a day that I will never forget.

Let’s see, it would be easy to write about the day I got married. A special day to which many can relate.

Or I could write about the births of my children. Both are special in their own way and days I would never forget.

Instead, I am going to write about the day I lost the person most special and dear to me. The day I lost my husband is a day I will never forget.

The Day My World Began to Shake

He was just 25 years old when he was diagnosed with a rare genetic condition.

FAP - Familial Adenomatous Polyposis, causes growths called polyps in the bowel. If not removed early enough, the polyps turn cancerous.

His was a random mutation. This means he was the first in his family line to get this. So we didn’t know — until it was too late.

I was four months pregnant by the time his condition was discovered. We also learned that there was a 50% chance of our baby having this genetic condition.



Bernie Pullen
The Memoirist

Life experiences intrigue me. Parenting| bereavement|memoir,|travel writer. I’m a coffee lover, I keep grounded by walking in nature, Tai Chi, and Yoga.